Σάββατο 21 Ιουνίου 2014

The US has no alliance w Iraq, no treaty, no moral obligation. Base policy solely on US interests says @BrianMJenkins http://on.rand.org/yeNPE

Maarit Feldt-Ranta ‏@FeldtRanta 48 min Kohupaljastuksia #SDP:n puoluevaltuustosta: - porukka tyytyväistä - moni positiivisesti yllättynyt hallitusohjelmasta - kehuja Rinteelle.addiction to profit is wholly in evidence here #globlamagnacarta http://www.opednews.com/articles/Wikileaks-Analysis-Article-by-Wiki-Leaks-International-Trade-Agreements_Tisa-Trade-In-Services-Agreement-Financial-Service_Wikileaks-140620-619.html …maby maby will end good. we nneed goods atthe aend with some logic...no is not the prrofit therell be ano logic but why theses soviet these US mental with sovjet

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