August 21, 2014, University of Helsinki
Auditorium XIV, Main building
(Unioninkatu 34)
The beginning of the 21st century has been marked by important historical events that have had a profound social, political, and legal impact on a global scale. The significance of these events goes beyond the simplistic label of globalization and reaches across a variety of fields, including democracy, the rule of law, human rights and individual autonomy, representativeness, constitutionalism, and global ethics.
The seminar brings together prestigious scholars in political science and law and encourages reflection from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Kim Lane Scheppele, Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and International Affairs from Princeton University (Woodrow Wilson School) will hold the keynote speech and the event is open to all those who are interested in these issues.
9.30- 10.15 Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University
“Hungary’s Political and Constitutional Reform”
10.15-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.00 Round table discussion
“Politics of Constitutional Challenges in the 21st Century”
Jan Klabbers, Martti Koskenniemi, Heikki Patomäki, Kim Scheppele,
Teivo Teivainen @housut 9 t Näytä käännös
net art aesthetics in a nutshell
me: bae, why u look so pale? ☹
bae: Marble is my spirit animal
me: 私が言っていることは考えている。☹☹☹
en enää muista mitään esim. miten banaaneja käytetään.