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brotherbaldrick • 20 days ago
And the Elephant in the room is completely ignored! The EU is busy building itself an empire right under the nose of the Russians and they are supposed to just ignore it!? Blame for this whole fiasco can be laid squarely at the feet of Cathy Ashdown and the EU megalomaniacs. I have no sympathy for this bunch of power hungry fools.
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RWJ brotherbaldrick • 20 days ago
Putin fears for the loss of the balance of power his country brings to the world. Uncontrolled rule of the world by the USA would bring massive human tragedy and poverty for the eastern block.....Africa and central America. Putin should stop them now for all our sakes. Mind you China is not to be forgotten....they will side with Russia if push comes to shove.
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Rintintin RWJ • 20 days ago
God help us all if the Russians go unchecked. They are a menace to the free world.....as are you judging by the unhinged gibberish you believe.
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RWJ Rintintin • 20 days ago
Russia didn't invade Iraq and Libya and allow it to fall into ISIS hands.....Syria too was your plan to allow ISIS in there. Russia fought these idiots in Afghanistan in the 80s under a different name. America armed those same idiots. When the Russians moved out YOU started fighting them in Afghanistan .....the same guys you armed in the 80s. You armed your own enemies you dork....and you say I talk gibberish.........you oaf.
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Fernando Cárdenas RWJ • 20 days ago
Stop talking nonsense... Russia has done absolutely nothing for the world except to arm terrorists. Is Russia actually going to send troops to fight ISIS? I doubt it... They'd probably get their asses handed to them by ISIS... All they do is talk and insult. Real Alpha nations like the US and UK assert themselves and act. Russia squawks like a little bitch and then attacks little Ukraine to show their "muscle"...
Kick the little guy who's simply trying to build a better life that's separate from them... Real macho. Kinda like Putin...
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Baron Fernando Cárdenas • 20 days ago
So, Fernando, give us an example of the success of our invading (say) Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan ... Are the unwashed in those countries living in eternal peace, now, is bread cheaper for them, are they re-joicing in the streets thanking us for the invasions? Arghhh
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Fernando Cárdenas Baron • 20 days ago
That's a riduclous thing to say. You can't blame the coalition forces for the rise of the Taliban and other insurgents (who btw are mostly Afghans themselves...) Afghanistan has a democracy, but they are not willing to fight to preserve it... Iraq are fighting the ISIS forces, but they lack the morale and the equipment to do so... These things are not the fault of the coalition forces... You are presuming that these nations are somehow our vassal states. We have no control over what they do with their own countries. But we can help the decent people fight for it. Russia has done none of these things... They sit back and sell military equipment to dictators who use them to oppress their own people... That's because they admire dictators themselves... We in the western world admire democracies and down to earth effective leaders... Totally different ways of thinking...
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rtj1211 Fernando Cárdenas • 19 days ago
For pete's sake, who do you think are the biggest arms manufacturers in the World?? Number One, by an overwhelming margin: the USA. NUMBER TWO: UK.
The West has always admired dictators, so long as they are pliant to Western interests. Nicaragua, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Saddam Hussein etc etc. It's only when they got uppity that the West started demonising them.
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Chris Barker rtj1211 • 19 days ago
the top weapon exporting country is the USA but seconded is Russia, the UK is at 6th. Do research instead of making presumption
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Ron Todd Chris Barker • 18 days ago
Americans have got it wrong since they tried to pick the good red Indians from the bad red indians and give guns to the good ones.
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joboost Fernando Cárdenas • 19 days ago
We in the Western world live in '1984' and beyond.
Our Plutocracies are ruled by the same Oligarch swhich we criticize Russia for -but we installed them through IFM and World Bank.
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joboost Fernando Cárdenas • 19 days ago
Nobody in the world has installed, armed, and kept more dictators than the US of A.
The same is true of terrorists.
Tell us: Who armed and strengthened Taliban, the chaos mob of Libya, the Syrian "rebels" who now show their true face?
Yes -it's more Qatar and Saudia, but do they act without US?
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rtj1211 Fernando Cárdenas • 19 days ago
And when Saddam or Gadaafi decided to 'build a life away from the petrodollar' what did the USA/UK do to them then, eh??
Don't delude yourself that we went to war on principle, we went to war to enforce the petrodollar standard and stop Hussein and Gadaafi selling oil in Euros.
So macho bombing the hell out of defenceless people, spraying depleted uranium all over pregnant women and women of child-bearing age, isn't it??
You need to look in the mirror of historical fact a bit. Stop believing what the US and UK media tell you and look at what actually HAPPENS.
So now Putin sets up a BRICS bank and aims to trade Russian oil and gas away from the dollar standard.
Is that war or 'trying to build a better life that's separate from them', eh??
Come on: tell us, oh fount of eternal wisdom and truth!!
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Alexander Kelso Shiels Fernando Cárdenas • 19 days ago
er...Ukraine had the second largest army in Europe (after Russia) at the start of this conflict...so not exactly the "little guy"
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Danny Smith Alexander Kelso Shiels • 19 days ago
yes they did, they also had the third largest nuclear arsenal and gave it up with assurances from other countries that would protect Ukraine from attack.. Russia signed that agreement.. and is now attacking Ukraine..
dead bodies of Russian soldiers are proof.. Russian armaments in Ukraine are proof
Putin is still KGB, he is still fighting the cold war, to him it never ended
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Joseph Danny Smith • 16 days ago
Of course Putin is still KGB and he and his buddies who rule Russia are doing all in their power to ensure that the substance of ancient oppressive systems, Tsarist or Stalinist, survives intact.
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Roger Hudson Joseph • 14 days ago
Soviet 'communists' wanted to change your way of life, other Russian dictators ,before or since, don't.
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Joseph Roger Hudson • 14 days ago
What? I never worried that the Soviets would change my life -- but I was indignant about the trampling on Russian freedom (as an admirer of Shostakovich etc.) and still more on the freedom of fellow-Europeans in Budapest, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague. Now I share the anguish of many Russians as they see their glimpsed freedoms evaporate and also of many Estonians etc. We should bring Russia into the EU and put an end to this dangerous development of totalitarism and military adventurism on the continent.
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Chris Barker Alexander Kelso Shiels • 19 days ago
The government in Kiev has roughly 130,000 battle-ready soldiers and officers at its disposal, according to official estimates. Russia, by contrast, has more than five times that number. The last time Ukraine had armed forces comparable to Russia's roughly 800,000 soldiers was at the end of the Cold War in 1991.
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Roger Hudson Chris Barker • 14 days ago
Why do those 130,000 regulars leave fighting to the 'right wing' volunteer battalions like 'Azov' then. ?
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Pavel Fernando Cárdenas • 16 days ago
Fernando, you are either blind or deaf. Do you know from where at ISIS weapons? From where they have a lot of weapons? From the Americans that they gave the wrong hands of the Iraqi army, and they demon compunction left and fled when they were attacked by ISIS. So sir do not write that you do not know! Russia did not create al-Qaeda, it created the United States to fight against the Soviet Union, or you did not know this, too? basis of ISIS are who? those who arrived in Syria or those who basically Broly with Assad. And who gave money to the United States brorbu Qatar and Saudi Arabia. So keep quiet about democracy is nothing to do with. United States create their own monster for their own purposes and then can not control it.
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Joseph RWJ • 16 days ago
We all know that America's crimes have eclipsed Russia's, but it is still frightening that we now face the prospect of Europe becoming once again a theatre of war.
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Baron Rintintin • 20 days ago
They indeed may be a menace, Rintintin, but this 'menace' haven't invaded yet as many countries as the Yanks have. And a fat lot of good did it do to the people in those countries, too. But that's OK with you, is it?
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Joseph Baron • 16 days ago
Whataboutery -- you might as well say that Hitler invaded Poland so what's so terrible about minor intrusions in little places like Ukraine. Point is that Putin is preventing Russia from becoming a free country and is reviving war policies that could make Europe a theatre of war.
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Baron Joseph • 16 days ago
It pains Baron to say it, Joseph, but you appear to know FA about Russia, its contemporary environment, have no feel for what the bulk of the unwashed think. If it were up to them the whole of the Russian Army would be in Ukraine now. Are you aware that many members of the political party in the Duma that's close to our LideDems are ctitical of Putin for not doing enough to help the Russians in Ukraine?
You speak Russian? Get yourself a subscription to 'the rain' (google it), a Moscow based internet TV, it's about eight quit, watch, listen, then talk. And these are the people more than critical of Vlad.
Incidentally, how would you feel if The Scots did vote Yes, then closed the borders, started kicking the English living there. You would do what, sit on your ar$e, applaud the kicking, did nothing?
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Joseph Baron • 16 days ago
So you are in favor of the whole army invading? Looking for a casus belli? No, I don't speak Russian, but I see you speak Russian propaganda.
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Guest Rintintin • 20 days ago
America is an empire that stands for multiculturalism and all its ensuing horrors in the long run. I certainly don´t want an unchecked Russia but I also don´t want an unchecked USA.
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Meltonmark Guest • 19 days ago
Try watching 'Secrets of the Seven Sisters' vids on YouTube. Tells you all need to know about American imperialism.
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Faisal Rashid Rintintin • 19 days ago
No way
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Fernando Cárdenas RWJ • 20 days ago
Russia doesn't bring any balance to the rest of the world... What are you talking about?
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RWJ Fernando Cárdenas • 20 days ago
More balance than the USA you stupid man....if it wasn't for Russia your hip hop idiot in the White House would have tried to bomb Syria and ISIS would own that country like it owns Iraq and Libya
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Fernando Cárdenas RWJ • 20 days ago
Russia cannot provide any balance, PERIOD... That is a self made statement...
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rtj1211 Fernando Cárdenas • 19 days ago
Your statement is a blanket one, entirely without evidential back up.
Just because you say this doesn't make it true you know....
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Stan Theman RWJ • 20 days ago
"Hip-hop idiot"-who graduated from Harvard?
You did know that, right?
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Meltonmark Stan Theman • 19 days ago
America is the most corrupt nation on this planet. Every significant war of my lifetime has been caused by American imperialism, together with every proxy war, and every social ill.
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Stan Theman Meltonmark • 19 days ago
Wow-so much stupid in so little space.
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RWJ Stan Theman • 19 days ago
Stan....The Russians don't want insipid Jews running their country like the USA does......OK Stan. bleed the USA dry.....you are not wanted in the east.
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Meltonmark Stan Theman • 19 days ago
Pity you never attempted to disprove the comment. Whining rhetoric is the refuge of those who have no answers.
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Guest Stan Theman • 19 days ago
Affirmative Action. Without the teleprompter he is just another celebrity incompetent who starts major crises like in Syria when veering off the thing and drawing lines in the sand. Had a half a million dollar education and hasn´t been able to articulate an original idea in his life. He ain´t no Wittgenstein.
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RWJ Stan Theman • 19 days ago
So reduced to correcting spelling mistakes as an argument eh Stan. Sad boy.
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ArmedwithInkstick RWJ • 20 days ago
Sure sign of a paid Russian troll: they start going for the ad-hominems on the first reply.
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Baron ArmedwithInkstick • 20 days ago
That's the standard answer of someone who's lost the argument, labelling instead of furnishing facts, evidence, logical arguments to counter the opponent.
Who pays you then? The BBC?
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Guest RWJ • 18 days ago
The figure of fun, the imbecile Sarah Palin predicted the Ukraine crisis and Bush told us in 2007 exactly what would happen in Iraq if one would do what Obama did. What does this tell us? Obama is an intellectual dwarf. An experiment never to be repeated.
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Joseph StJohnofAustria • 16 days ago
could this be another planted propagandist? his user history is private
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Aris Katsaris StJohnofAustria • 20 days ago
Putin was Yeltsin's right-hand man, so don't pretend that Putin & Yeltsin were really opponents or had a different ideology -- they followed merely different phases of the same plan, with Yeltsin being the one that would pretend to be pals with the West while destroying his people, so that Putin would then come up and say "look how the West destroyed our people!".
If Russia was a healthy democracy, with Yeltsin being perceived as a failure, some *opponent* of Yeltsin would have been elected. But the Russia's establishment hold on power was so strong that they could actually have Yeltsin's right-hand elected!
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Anton StJohnofAustria • 15 days ago
We appreciate the trust)! except for a couple of corrupt bitches)! I read and laugh over Nektorov naimvnymi commentators whose apparent lack of skill and self-samopoznaiya))) do not have that kind of logic even our most beautiful girls))) and those who have boitsya simply never communicated with Russian and do not realize that to motivate those or other actions))) even argue with them do not want to), we have an expression "the dog barks, the caravan moves on"))) And another catch phrase of the cult film brother 2: "what is the force brother? He answers: Power in the money. "No power in the truth"
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Joseph StJohnofAustria • 16 days ago
Yeltsin and his buddies must take responsibility for their own stripping of Russia.
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Aris Katsaris RWJ • 20 days ago
LOL, Russia bringing "balance"... Russia, to justify her annexation of Crimea, has been recently arguing for the same interpretation of "self-determination" that was expressed in point 1 in Hiltler's nazi party manifesto, and which treats every minority in the *world* as a justification to grab the territory from a neighboring nation, all in the name of "self-determination".
By the same reasoning that *Russia* so advocated, Hungary has the right to grab a piece of Romania, and Albania has the right to grab a piece of the Republic of Macedonia, and Greece to grab a piece of Albania, and Turkey has the right to grab a piece of Greece, and so forth and so forth... Every minority becomes an excuse for a landgrab, and any country hosting a minority needs find a way to dilute or disperse it.
In short, what Russia far from "balance" what Russia is advocating is endless war of every nation against every nations, wars filled or concluding in ethnic cleansing.
Prime example of such is what happened because of the Serbs (Russia's allies) in Yugoslavia in the first half of the 1990s. (That NATO later supported Kosovo's independence from Yugoslavia is something that I opposed as I considered it to be rewarding Albanian imperialism, but at least NATO had the excuse of Yugoslavia having aggressively attempted to split the territory of its neighbours *first*, before the same was done on it)
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Joseph RWJ • 16 days ago
I see no good results from Putin's sabre rattling. War thinking will increase the already endemic corruption in Russia, the already tight control of the media and suppression of civil liberties, and will certainly not guarantee greater freedom to the reconquered territories. http://www.irishtimes.com/news...Σου κόβουν τα φτερα και μετα "χωράς" παντου !!

eeeensiluuuuntakymmeniäpieniä annoksia kanneta ravinnonetsijän eteen aika kenenkän lasinpinnan annetavajota barthelona.uppereast sidessa ällistellessä ny,pariisi (toimiikuinkuntosali,pitäiskö mennä-ny NY kävelyreteki linnankukkoulalla äijä saanut närkästykseltään alas muruakaa notting hillin rauhaa.riippumatotmia ravintoloita? eyhen peysäkin pysäkin designpalatsi. nykyää turuvalline kaupunkki. heihei
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