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New comment from Re S
Link to this post:kalaisen Die Antwoordin musavideot parhaita mitä olen koskaan nähnyt. Tässä ehkäpä suosikkini. http://vimeo.com/96218180
Re S – Buzz 26.3.2010
after considered con..
Nigel I – Are you from US? 26.3.2010
Re S – no, im honest.. no im not 26.3.2010
davy krieger – if "Honest = Not from the U.S."
It is necessarily also true that you assert that "From the U.S. = not honest"
To which I strenuously object. It's not just untrue (and therefore, dishonest) it's also the very nationalistic B.S. that you probably object to. 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – So the liar said to the honest one, "When was the last time you lied?" Please don't say never...that might mean you are British. 27.3.2010
Vipul Chaudhari – Mera naya blog http://nayadinnayikahani.blogspot.com/ 27.3.2010
yagnesh darji – @vipul dear delete ur hindi post otherwise ur adsense ads not shown 27.3.2010
Vipul Chaudhari – no i seen if posting is in hindi gogle ads dispaly in hindi 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – Re S: How do you know for sure that you're not conservatist? And there won't be much coming going on afterwards, except maybe Carl Schmitt. Now I can't remember, who was the honest European that lied about being honest? I would rather be honest about lying. Don't you love it when someone says "Well, to be honest with you..." No, lie to me. I wonder if Carl Scmitt has any interesting thoughts about who comes after they lie. Now that would be interesting. Where the hell is my Ativan? 27.3.2010
Re S – i feel it 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – Davey, Davey, Davey,
See, if you live in Europe, the people you hear most are lying SOB's like G. Bush etc. so naturally they think we all lie our asses off...and the truth is, we do. Americans have the highest per capita lying rate of any country. Hell, we have politicians. They have to lie. Everybody lies...directly or by ommission. "No, dahling, you are not schtewpid." Tso vere are you gettink your informashunk? Unly an ezzhole, huh? Jesus H. autocomplete, I better find that Ativan soon or I'm gonna' get mighty big trouble.. 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – I do not believe I mentioned anything about worrying. I am American and we do not worry. We just get pissed off. Oh yes, I am worried about the location of my Ativan. Soon that will change and I will simply be pissed off. 27.3.2010
Re S – thank u Mark..no, i had to admire some discussions here in buzz, less say..americans, chatting any nationality..and ur ativan is under the table 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – You feel it? What does it feel like? Hey, you two...what's all this hindi adsense crap doing in my inbox?
Now, back to Re S...What means thank u Mark no, etc/? Why thank me? I heff dun nuttink. Certainly don't deserve to have misplaced medication...insanity...ptsd...trouble is sometimes i - And so he is a bit adrift...oversteer, 27.3.2010
Re S – i donno how revolutionists live..but i like them. thank u for your comment, because its interesting 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – So how does this special effect work? Photographed against a blue background through cameras equipped with filters that effectively delete the color blue, human optical receptors are tricked; manipulated in such a way that what we know to be impossible becomes visible reality. This is all great - it makes for wonderful and captivating entertainment. But the scary part is this: exposed to these effects routinely, our brains begin to re-program the way they interpret visual imagery. Exposed to these effects often enough and early enough in our formative years, we come to accept every man made image we see as “real.” 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – Now let’s take this concept to another level. The human brain is not equipped to separate what it perceives as visual reality from what it hears when auditory input reinforces the visual effects it has re-programmed itself to accept as reality. There is a name for this phenomenon but as a culture we have been programmed to believe that it cannot apply to our reality - it is called “brainwashing.” If I tell you that we have become a society of brainwashed people, you are programmed to automatically reject that notion and in the process label me as a deviant thinker attempting to brainwash you. 27.3.2010
Re S – oh no problem reprogramming some of my minid continously. im brainwashed already. thats not what bother sme 27.3.2010
davy krieger – That's not really the academic definition of "brainwashing". Where do you get your definition, Marc? 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – I researched it, Davey. Look up "rapid technical changes" and its effects on perception. The "academic definition of brainwashing?" There is no such thing. There is plenty of research, however.
Academicians write erudite essays - basically crap but as the saying goes, "publish or perish." 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – Re S: So what does bother you? Of course that's none of my business. But I'll tell you what bothers me. Pipe smoking, elbow patched academic experts who cannot see beyond the narrow confines of their own personal life experience. Let them have tire irons shoved up their asses and perhaps their perceptions will change. 27.3.2010
Re S – academic writings are like gymnastics..not harmful, either. i have a personal tariner. i think every child should have a personal teacher - well im not a child, but really 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – Re S 'xx ' - okay. I will cease and desist. Thanks for the tip - how did you know my Ativan was under the table?
Davey: And it was not a definition. Why dost thou distort so? 27.3.2010
davy krieger – Well, the term "brainwashing" is not some received term from antiquity that has a meaning we can't place or an origin that we don't know. It's actually a modern term referring to a specific process for indoctrination.That process is nothing like what you describe, so I think your research is a bit suspect. And there is indeed an academic definition of brainwashing - it originated with an American journalist and intelligence agent in the Korean war. You know, even a cursory google search turns this kind of stuff up. 27.3.2010
Maximum Ride – Hey S...How about the weather where you are, nice? :)
No (bugging) out yet?
It is quite warm here, no bugs yet though.
Cheers! 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – Davey - I suppose it's all academic, huh? Indoctrination is not necessarily the same as brainwashing. And the process I described is only one small example. You "think" my research is a bit suspect? Your statement beginning with "Well" says absolutely nothing. As far as journalists/intelligence, been there, done that, and that's why my Ativan was under the table. Do you have any personal experience with brainwashing or the methods employed? I do, so drop it and move on to something else. 27.3.2010
Marc Dion – Google this, autocomplete. 27.3.2010
Re S – davy, now when u say it..this term is intersting. i know its a practice in the war and ahorrible way .. we have an old man in the village who was trained by SS to du such..i have his book just now ..he has his own weekly newspaper ...full of hm bullshit 27.3.2010
davy krieger – Your personal experience doesn't change the fact that what you originally called "brainwashing" is not in any way connected with the actual origin of that term that refers to something which is historically documented as its origin. This is just fact. Don't argue with me, argue with history. 28.3.2010
Re S – Google google gives just Mind Control 28.3.2010
Marc Dion – Davey...I guess you must be right and I can see that it is important to you - now, since I have validated your opinion and said that you are correct, would you mind it if I asked you very respectfully to shut the fuck up? 28.3.2010
davy krieger – I really don't know what you're on about, Marc. I don't know you, so I suppose it's possible you were a victim of the brainwashing of the Chinese Communist Revolution in the 50's, in which case I'm very sorry to have raised a sore point. 28.3.2010
Maximum Ride – Perhaps Ativan and a shit of Remy for all?
:) everybody feeling better?!
Whew! 28.3.2010
Maximum Ride – Ooooo
I meant "shot of Remy"
BA HAaaaAa
:) 28.3.2010
Marc Dion – Davey,
You don't know what you're talking about, but if it makes you happy to continue harping on the same thing, be my guest. Your wild fart in the wind guess about my past shows what a complete asshole you are. The only thing you said that was correct is that you "really don't know much about me." Actually, you know nothing about me." Actually, you know nothing about me, Sore point? You are a sore point...a malicious fuck, too.
Maximum Ride - You have the right idea. I like the combo. 28.3.2010
ALLE Idiomas – It´s hot here, isn´t it ? 28.3.2010
davy krieger – Marc, other than correcting a factual error you made, I've said nothing about you. Wouldn't it be great if you were to extend the same courtesy? 28.3.2010
Marc Dion – Davy,
I don't recall you ever correcting any factual errors I made - I do recall you stating opinions and projecting some bullshit about me in China in the 1950's...the comment started out with something apologetic in nature but ended with what seemed malicious. You were quite upfront with projections about my mental health issues as well. As far as I can tell, you're a nasty fuck with a penchant for harping what you believe to be your superior knowledge. How about this - you don't message me and I won't message you? 28.3.2010
davy krieger – Marc;
I'm not sure where you, who have insulted me unprovoked in a most profane manner, get off calling me a malicious fuck. You've consistently misquoted me - which is really amazing since all you have to do is scroll up and cut-and-paste - you've stated things as fact which are demonstrably not true - and then been incredibly insulting. I haven't hazarded a guess about any mental health issues you might have ...again you can just scroll up and verify that - nor made any assertions about your character. If only the same could be said about you, who have conducted yourself in a lazy, hostile, defensive and singularly ungentlemanly manner. For shame, sir. For shame. 28.3.2010
Juanjo Carballo Eguiguren – Brainwashing is the point, we're watching live his terrible side effects... 28.3.2010
Marc Dion – Davey,
I am duly shamed. How far can you scroll? Can you scroll this to Uranus? Astronomically speaking, I'm sure it is large enough to accomodate all of the bullshit that travels from your keyboard to these pages. Have a nice day. 29.3.2010
Marc Dion – davy krieger - Marc, other than correcting a factual error you made, I've said nothing about you. Wouldn't it be great if you were to extend the same courtesy?Mar 27
davy krieger - I really don't know what you're on about, Marc. I don't know you, so I suppose it's possible you were a victim of the brainwashing of the Chinese Communist Revolution in the 50's, in which case I'm very sorry to have raised a sore point.Mar 27
****Just an example, Davey. "Ive said nothing about you." ???? 29.3.2010
Re S – im sure u re ok, both, so 29.3.2010
Peter Hedenström – Fighting on the internet is like running in the special Olympics... Even if you win, you are still retarded! 29.3.2010
Re S – i like those guys and i didnt find anything wrong with the internet... 29.3.2010
Chris Brown – Good...that's nice. 29.3.2010
Douglas Falcao – Good Morning! 29.3.2010
ALLE Idiomas – A nice day and night ! 29.3.2010
Marc Dion – "...sideration I don't have the slightest idea. 30.3.2010
xbyt i – this .... 3.4.2010
Michael Lalaounis – What .. the hell ... was THAT all about ?? 9.4.2010
Re S – :p 9.4.2010Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ είναι μεγαλύτερος εχθρός για το ΚΚΕ από ότι ο καπιταλισμός. @pankar29silläsilsälläjotaan vaalleeta nuorempi mustempi kylä suutun suuttui suutumpisutu eja virtuaali vrituae.The standard error (SE) is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistic. The term may also be used to refer to an estimate of that standard deviation, derived from a particular sample used to compute the estimate. For example, the sample mean is the usual estimator of a population mean. odotammeouto pamaus
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