#US has only 4 tools in its 'diplomacy' kit: threats, blackmail, sanctions and regime change Now 🇺🇲 warmongers wants to punish #SouthAfrica for their ties with #Russia https://archive.is/c8EXQ
Τετάρτη 17 Ιανουαρίου 2018
PROFESSORI Teivaisen mukaan vaatimustason lasku meni henkilökunnalta läpi vähin äänin. ”Nyt kuuluu narinaa tai naureskelua.”
http://www.corespirit.com/taking-high-dose-calcium-hidden-secret-curing-cancer/ Kate Whitaker (24) is network development officer for Young Friends of the Earth Europe, which supports local youth campaigning for environmental and social justice. If you are interested in getting involved follow them on social media: Facebook @yfoescotland, Twitter and Instagram @YFoES.
http://polkkapossu.blogspot.gr/2018/01/possunposkistroganoff.html Όταν με ξυπνάει Κυριακή χαράματα ο παπάς της απέναντι εκκλησίας με τα μεγάφωνα τέρμα, νιώθω πολύ τυχερός, γιατί νομίζω ότι ξύπνησα σε εξωτικό μέρος. Στο Ισλαμαμπάντ για παράδειγμα.http://selkakanava.fi/nain-ehkaiset-purentaongelmista-johtuvaa-niskakipua
A few weeks ago, after the Americans had absorbed most #ISIS fighters into its own “SDF” (now #ISISDF) they told us #ISIS was virtually defeated. Now #Turkey, according to #MadMattis🤪@DeptofDefense, is guilty of attacking ISIS under their new American banner. Cretins!
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Täsmennä vielä, miksi politiikka pakenee demokratiaa nimenomaan tieteellistymällä. Jokuhan voisi arvella, että #demokratia ja #tiede ovat hyvää pataa keskenään.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΜου λέει να χωρίσουμε πολιτισμένα. Πολιτισμένα θα χωρίζαμε στη Ν.Υόρκη που θα είχα να διαλέξω μεταξύ του λοφτ στο Μανχάταν κ του εξοχικού στο Λονγκ Αίλαντ. Εδώ απλώς θα σου πετάξω τα σώβρακα από το μπαλκόνι
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήPrivatization is often used as a self-evident concept, overlapping with corporatization, marketization, commodification and neoliberalization. Our analysis, focusing on changes in the legal status and decision- making procedures at the University of Helsinki, explores the fuzzy nature of privatization. One of our claims is that the fuzziness helped prevent efficient resistance and therefore also enabled less democratic forms of governance.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήWe will explore the ambiguous nature of the privatization process. We will analyze argumentative strategies about the reforms, focusing on explicit and implicit references to the processes of privatization and corporatization. The role of fuzziness became less important once privatization had taken crucial steps. At that moment, the argument that in some important sense the university had become part of the sphere of private economy became a justification for transforming the decision-making system of the university. References to the university being increasingly private, financially autonomous, and economically responsible become justificatory tools for dismantling democratic elements of the university’s decision-making system. We will also analyze how privatization can affect democracy through changes in the allocation of public funding to universities.