#US has only 4 tools in its 'diplomacy' kit: threats, blackmail, sanctions and regime change Now 🇺🇲 warmongers wants to punish #SouthAfrica for their ties with #Russia https://archive.is/c8EXQ
Κυριακή 31 Ιουλίου 2022
re's something beautiful about realizing this world is completely fake. It's not an ideological statement. It's truth. All news you are fed is fake. All history you are fed is fake. Everything you think you know about any given person or thing is fake.
Germany, which has been high-and-mighty within the European Union and has imposed austerity against weaker European economies such as in Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, is now demanding that other EU member nations bail Germans out of what will soon inevitably be an energy-emergency that results from Germany’s having complied with America’s demand to not only join with America’s sanctions against Russia, but to even terminate Germany’s Nord Stream 2 Russian gas pipeline that was supposed to be increasing - instead of (as now will be the case) decreasing - Russia’s natural-gas supplies to Europe.
Germany was, until recently, the industrial motor of the EU, and therefore has the most to lose from reduced and far costlier energy-supplies; but this has now happened, and will escalate in the coming winter. As those energy supplies get reduced, energy prices will rise, then soar, and Germany’s economy will get crushed. Germany’s leaders (like in the other EU nations) complied with the American anti-Russia sanctions demands (which are based on faked ‘information’); and, as a result, the German public will soon be freezing, even while Germany will be spending astronomically higher prices for energy than it had previously been paying. The plunging energy supplies from Russia will be replaced by increased supplies from other countries (including America) whose energy is far costlier than Russia’s; and only a small fraction of those reduced supplies from Russia will be able to be replaced at all. Something will have to give, probably the EU itself, because the resultant rapidly escalating internal hostilities between EU nations — especially between Germany and the nations that it now expects to bail it out of this crisis - could blow the EU itself irrevocably apart.
This will be happening at the same time when the EU - which was extremely committed to reducing or even eliminating both nuclear and fossil fuels and especially coal - is suddenly rushing to increase greatly its use of those non-green fuel-sources, and when European voters who had placed those people into power will not like seeing their leaders turn 180 degrees now into the opposite direction, toward global warming. Previously unanticipated new questions will inevitably become raised. Furthermore, the transitions back to fossil fuels can’t even possibly be done as fast as Europe’s leaders are promising; and, as a consequence, not only will Europeans be chilling-out and shivering during this coming winter, but their leaders will have a lot of explaining to do that can’t be explained except by admitting that they had been wrong - terribly wrong and unprepared - and this undeniable fact will cause political chaos, as the mutual recriminations about their multiple failures will embitter Europeans about the entire EU project, the project of creating one single incomprehensibly bureaucratic U.S.-satellite European mega-nation, the “European Union,” that is composed of virtually all European nations. Nostalgia about the past, of beautiful independent European nations, and bitterness about the future, of “north versus south” (etc.) in Europe, will take over, weakening the EU’s fabric, and bringing into question the entire post-WW-II cross-Atlantic alliance (subservience, actually to the Russia-hating U.S. Government), both America’s NATO and its political twin, the U.S.-dominated EU and its thousands of American servants in Brussels.
The most-recent comprehensive evaluation of the energy-needs of the EU nations is the September 2008 “Europe’s Dependence on Russian Natural Gas: Perspectives and Recommendations for a Long-term Strategy” by Richard J. Anderson of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, funded by the U.S. and German Governments. It made clear that the lowest cost and fastest-growing fuel in Europe (unless EU countries would institute polices to change this, which didn’t occur) was pipelined natural gas from Russia, and that this was especially so regarding electricity-production, industrial uses, and chemical feedstocks for plastics etc.
That’s what has happened - Russian dominance of Europe’s energy-supplies (and industrial supplies) - and, as-of 2008, the countries that were the most dependent upon cheap Russian pipelined natural gas were (see this image there): Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Turkey, Austria, Czechia, Greece, Finland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
Presumably, those are the nations that will be especially “chilling out” this coming winter, in order to continue America’s political domination over Europe.
The supposed moral imperative that has supposedly triggered this “chilling-out” is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 as being Russia’s inevitable ultimate response to America’s coup grabbing of Ukraine in February 2014 and NATO’s insulting-to-Russia insistence that this U.S.-made new Russia-hating Ukrainian regime has a sovereign right to place American missiles on Russia’s border only a mere five-minute striking-distance to nuking Moscow - that’s the EU’s supposed moral-imperative reason to turn Russia (Europe’s cheapest energy-supplier) off as being a supplier of energy to Europe.
But, as a result of turning off Russia’s energy-spigots in Europe, the EU itself might become destroyed, and a mere has-been economically, culturally, industrially, and otherwise, just so that Europe will remain as being vassal-nations to America (its “dispensable” nations, like all the rest are), instead of to become what it always should have been, and naturally would have been - the radiant glory of the world’s largest continent: Eurasia, a Europe that includes Russia, instead of that endangers Russia.
The glory of Europe is done for, finished as what it was, and the only real question now is how fast? Oh - and WHY? Why did Europe’s leaders do this? That will be the real EU-killer question.
The Europe that was, is gone - killed by the regime in Washington DC, using its many hired agents in Europe, and their hired guns in NATO.
* * *
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It’s about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ - duping the public.
Σάββατο 30 Ιουλίου 2022
all those visits by senior US military officials in FINLAND - in private and unannounced - to build closer mil-mil integration between As a reminder, here is a *partial* list of the openly nazi units in the armed forces of Ukraine: Karpatskaya Sich Freikor Misanthropic Division Tornado Battalion Donbass Battalion Kraken Battalion Dneiper 1 Dneiper 2 Kalinovsky Regiment Aidar S14 and,of course: Pravii Sektor
ok so a large plane is now headed towards okinawa, here's what i think the plan is. 1:immediately upon landing in okinawa, board military connecting flight to taiwan, 2:offer tsai ing wen exfil, if refusal, pelosi leaves.Kadena Air Base (嘉手納飛行場, Kadena Hikōjō) (IATA: DNA, ICAO: RODN) is a highly strategic United States Air Force base in the towns of Kadena and Chatan and the city of Okinawa, in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. It is often referred to as the "Keystone of the Pacific" because of its highly strategic and geographic location.[2] It is located just 650 km off the coast of China and at a distance of just 770 km from Shanghai, a major economic hub. It is home to the USAF's 18th Wing, the 353rd Special Operations Group, reconnaissance units, 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, and a variety of associated units. Over 20,000 American servicemembers, family members, and Japanese employees live or work aboard Kadena Air Base.[3] It is the largest and most active U.S. Air Force base in East Asia.[4]The mission of NAVCOMM Det Okinawa is to provide communications support for the Seventh Fleet and supporting units, U.S. Naval Forces Japan, U.S. Naval Forces Korea, Defense Information Systems Agency and the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force. The detachment has four work centers:
TSCCOMM provides telecommunications support for Patrol Wing ONE Det Kadena, deployed patrol squadrons and Marine Wing Detachment
CMS provides communications security (COMSEC) materials and cryptographic equipment to Patrol Squadrons and detachments, and to Commander Amphibious Group One/CTF76, located at White Beach
Naval Radio Transmitter Facility (NRTF) Awase provides HF transmitter support to the fleet and area commanders and LF transmitter support for submarines operating in the Pacific and Indian Oceans June 2013, the government of Japan discovered 22 barrels buried on former base property that tests showed had previously contained dioxins and herbicides. Tests on the surrounding soils found dioxin levels at 8.4 times and groundwater at 280 times the legal limit. The land in question is a soccer field bordering the base's Bob Hope Primary School and Amelia Earhart Intermediate School. Angry parents accused base officials, under base commanders Brigadier General Matt H. Molloy[22] and Brigadier General James B. Hecker, of failing to notify them of the toxins near the school and not investigating into the matter. The parents established a Facebook group on 10 January 2014 titled, "Bob Hope/AEIS – Protect Our Kids." After the issue was reported in the Japan Times and Stars and Stripes, USAF officials tested the soil and water at the schools and said that no excessive toxic substances were found.[23][24]
Soil on the base tested positive for very high levels of polychlorinated biphenylchemicals (PCBs), in the thousands of parts per million, much higher than most other contamination sites in the world, according to a report issued in 1987 after an investigation prompted by a small unrelated spill of transformer oil.[25]
SURTASS supports command and control functions to SURTASS ships operating in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific.
Πέμπτη 28 Ιουλίου 2022
kaverit sun oman sydänterveytes kanssa Western powers aren't censoring Russian media to protect our minds from Russian propaganda, they are censoring Russian media because it interferes with western propaganda.” https://twitter.com/caitoz/status/1552987891420188672
Ex-Dallas Federal Reserve president says, Nancy Pelosi and husband Paul appear to have 'TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF INSIDE INFORMATION' ON STOCK TRADES and 'something needs to be done'...The potential implementation of a ban on the issuance of Schengen visas to Russian tourists, which has been energetically supported by representatives of Finland’s largest political parties, will be an openly discriminatory political measure. It is notable that the proposal is being discussed in a country that claims to be a leader in promoting international cooperation on human rights and freedoms.
Finnish politicians are quite open about the main reason for their initiative: the futile attempts to punish Russia and its citizens as much as possible. The initiators of the ban have not mentioned any risks to Finland’s security or threats to the health of its citizens.
We are gravely concerned about Finland’s readiness to abandon its international commitment to facilitate mutual travel and human contacts, as well as the economic interests of its own businesses. These actions will ultimately lead to the re-establishment of dividing lines in Europe and, consequently, will increase tensions. Or is this Finland’s NATO admission fee?
Restrictions on Russians’ travel for political reasons will be one more step towards aggravating confrontation in bilateral relations. Russia reserves its right to take reciprocal measures if these plans are implemented.
Τετάρτη 27 Ιουλίου 2022
https://twitter.com/Tziros3/status/1552246208529326080 The United States not only stands with Nazis, they put them in positions of power in Ukraine, trained and armed them so they'd be ready to fight Russia in the proxy war happening right nowgoogle hahahahahahahahha
https://twitter.com/li_dawei98/following goggle hahahahaaaaaait's time to liberate again Russian cities founded by Russian people..?: Kiev, Chernigov, Poltava, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Lutsk — head of the DPR PushilinMaolaisuus kolmanneksi virstanpylvääksi syntetisoitiin vasta 1980-luvun lopulla PCP-CL: n johtaman pitkittyneen kansansodan kokemuksen kautta . Tämä vallankumouksellinen kokemus sai tämän puolueen, Internationalist Revolutionary Movementin jäsenen , vahvistamaan maolaisuuden marxilaisuuden uudena kehityksenä vuonna 1988.
Δευτέρα 25 Ιουλίου 2022
Σάββατο 23 Ιουλίου 2022
οικισμού των Βατερών έσπρωξε ο άνεμος το μέτωπο της μεγάλης δασικής πυρκαγιάς. Κυριολεκτικά αυτή τη στιγμή οι φλόγες "γλύφουν" το πίσω μέρος των επιχειρήσεων των Βατερών έχοντας κάψει σπίτια στο πίσω μέρος τους. Πυροσβέστες, εθελοντές, κάτοικοι και επαγγελματίες της περιοχής δίνουν μάχη για να σταματήσουν τη φωτιά. 14:05 Μάχη με τη φωτιά δίνουν όσοι αυτή τη στιγμή επιχειρούν στο δάσος κυριολεκτικά στην πλάτη των σπιτιών των Βατερών.Εφιαλτικές σκηνές μεταδίδει ο Παναγιώτης Μπαλάσκας.
πρωί του Σαββάτου πυρκαγιά, ξέσπασε στη Λέσβο και βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη. 1990-luvulla sosiaalinen media korvasi perinteisen juoruilun. 2020 some korvasi vapaan median. Noin 2025 juoruilu palaa takaisin parhaaksi tietolähteeksi - Big Tech ja hallintokoneisto symbioituvat kovaa vauhtia.https://www.is.fi/viihde/art-2000006184790.html flickr.com/photos/rockfestarinaamat/ Pieksämäen kauppakamariosasto 2021 | Etelä-Savon kauppakamari
Kauppias Marko Siikanen, K-citymarket Toimitusjohtaja Antti Tarkka, A2K Kiinteistöt Oy Arviointiasiantuntija Antti Tinakari, OP Koti Itä-Suomi Oy LKV Asianajaja Esa Valjakka, Asianajotoimisto Ropponen & Valjakka Oy Elinkeinojohtaja Markus Vesterinen, Pieksämäen kaupunki / Yrityspalvelut Sihteeri, asiamies:saatana vanhaa kalaa
Σύμφωνα με τα τοπικά Μέσα Ενημέρωσης, γύρω στις 10 το πρωί ξεκίνησε δασική πυρκαγιά στην περιοχή Ρογκάδα μεταξύ της πολυσύχναστης παραλίας του οικισμού Βατερών και του οικισμού Σταυρός, που πήρε πολύ σύντομα μεγάλες διαστάσεις.Kuvassa on Rommi, jolla ei ole muistoja sitten edellistä nakin syöntiä edeltävältä ajanjaksolta. Niin
Στην περιοχή επιχειρούν 26 πυροσβέστες με 9 οχήματα, μία ομάδα πεζοπόρων, 4 αεροπλάνα και ένα ελικόπτερο. Συγκεκριμένα, επιχειρούν ένα ελικόπτερο Mil Mi-8 και δύο Πεζετέλ, ενώ δόθηκε εντολή να ριχτούν στο μέτωπο και δύο Canadair CL-415 από την Ελευσίνα. Επίσης δόθηκε εντολή για να επιχειρήσουν οι 3 Tractores της Αγχιάλουhttps://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1550814204810219520/qD4mTZdA?format=jpg&name=small https://is.mediadelivery.fi/img/658/d4b36ddf996542308d6ead128148b258.jpg.webphttps://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#t:adv;d:2022-07-24;@26.3,39.0,12z
Τετάρτη 20 Ιουλίου 2022
Σήμερα η έκπληξη μου δεν περιγράφεται.Σταμάτησε οδηγός σε διάβαση πεζών,για να περάσω! Όσα χρόνια κι αν έχεις ζήσει σε χώρα πολιτισμένη,πάντα θα περιμένεις το χειρότερο
Reutersin lähteet: Saksa sallii Uniperin kustannusten siirtymisen kuluttajille osana pelastuspakettia #Uniper #Fortum #politiikka #energia #kaasu#Putin: A new era is beginning in world history, and only truly sovereign states can show high growth dynamics.
Δευτέρα 18 Ιουλίου 2022
#niinistö criminal values. its teh freedom of the LORDS when they talk about freedom, not we
Έχει ενδιαφέρον πάντως το ότι κάποιος που όλη η Ελλάδα του λεει ότι γαμιεται ,θα πέσει εξ αιτίας ενός βιαστή if the worker was a free.mielikuvitustaha oli. vallanhimo kansainvälisessä oikeudessa ...... plus ja väärennetty vääristynyt demokratia lännessä.
Κυριακή 17 Ιουλίου 2022
Πέμπτη 14 Ιουλίου 2022
administration of the Tchaikovsky Academy of Music in Kyiv refused to rename the institution,There will be a deep degradation in Europe, current elites are going to be replaced" — President Putin at #SPIEF2022 "Their wrong policies will lead to an increase in nationalist and extremist sentiments in European society."
Emirates Clashes With Heathrow Over Demand to Slash Capacity
Dubai airline dismisses call to curb passenger numbersчём же шепчется лаванда на рассвете?
Кто слышал эти тайны?
Только Ветер...
Как мать-Земля её оберегала,
Заботливо лелеяла, питала…
Роса дарила ей хрустальные серёжки,
И целовало солнышко в ладошки.
А в свете звезд, чернильно-томный вечер,
Накидывал ей бархат снов на плечи.
Airline accuses airport of not planning and investing in timeThe collapse of the British, Estonian and Italian governments portends a widespread crisis in Europe.
What is the next country?
Η προϊσταμένη της Εισαγγελίας Μαρία Γκανέ ζήτησε σήμερα της να της διαβιβαστούν άμεσα τα πρακτικά και η χθεσινή απόφαση του δικαστηρίου βάσει της οποίας ο Δημήτρης Λιγνάδης αποφυλακίζεται με την επιβολή περιοριστικών όρων μέχρι την εκδίκαση της έφεσης του. Ακόμα η προϊσταμένη της Εισαγγελίας Εφετών Αθήνας ζήτησε από τον εισαγγελέα της έδρας Κωνσταντίνο Κούντρια να της διαβιβάσει άμεσα την αναφορά του, στην οποία θα περιλαμβάνονται οι προτάσεις του επί της ενοχής
Πηγή άρθρου: Παρέμβαση της εισαγγελίας για την αναστολή Λιγνάδη. Συγκέντρωση ΣΕΗ στο Σύνταγμα. Αντιδράσεις καλλιτεχνών | porto-rafti

Τρίτη 12 Ιουλίου 2022
Ukraine started using a helicopter to set fire to wheat fields on the border with the Kherson region - deputy head of the regional administration
Russia and the EU have agreed to unblock transit to Kaliningrad — Mass media.
According to Izvestia, citing sources, the EU and Russia have concluded an agreement according to which it is unacceptable to prohibit the transportation of goods between parts of Russia.https://twitter.com/RaeisiAyoub/status/1547033300337844224
Κυριακή 10 Ιουλίου 2022
Lithuania must have been bribed handsomely by US-led NATO. No way in HELL this is Lithuania's decision. The collective West already washed their hands before on the matter. They're just pushing the envelope, irritating Putin ever so often. It's a dangerous game they're playing.
ok, I understand why big genocid are occured by man like you, #sebrenitsa, #nazi, African genocid, you are right, you are animals with a fake democratie. fake research about sebrenitsa. german usa embassies not real results about research #SERBIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgRP5MU8Wa8 .Pro-western President Boris Tadic who took office in 2004 came to Bosnia five years ago and criticized the actions of his compatriots. Muslim leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina took advantage of the situation and demanded that Serbia compensates them for the genocide in Srebrenitsa. In 2007 the Hague tribunal accepted the fact but denied compensation.
See more at https://english.pravda.ru/world/112805-srebrenitsa/ it was mabe by usa alusta astiΤον Λένιν τον έψαχνε η μάνα του κι εκείνος κρυβόταν σε ένα τραίνο που έφυγε από Ζυρίχη. Ούρλιαζε εκείνη, «Απαντα Λένιν». Του την έλεγαν οι σύντροφοί που έβλεπαν αναγνώριση κλήσης «Μαμά» και έλεγαν «σήκωσέ το, ανησυχεί η γυναίκα». Εκείνος κυνικά απαντούσε «Τι να κάνουμε;».Unkarin suurin riippumaton nettiaviisi Telex teki myös jutun Marinin festari-asusta. Kommenttiraita ei täyttynyt ärtyneistä setämiehistä, eikä ylipursuavasta fanituksesta, vaan ihailusta SUOMEA kohtaan. Pitivät jotenkin käsittämättömänä, että miten pääministeri voi kulkea 1/2are Daly
@ClareDalyMEPhttps://twitter.com/WylesSharon/status/1546114408115486720 ..The original Covid had an Ro value of 3.3, meaning each infected person infected 3.3 others. Low transmissibility, yet still killed millions. Measles is the highest with an Ro value of 18. The latest Covid subvariants have an Ro value of 18.6. If you think it's over, guess again.
Moroccan border forces are funded by the EU. When they carry out a massacre of 37 people on the EU's borders, the EU bears responsibility. And we have a responsibility to call it out. It is not an accident.
Παρασκευή 8 Ιουλίου 2022
anen @oaorantanen · 48min Vastauksena käyttäjälle @VillePellinen Italialaisille kannattaa esitellä mm suomalainen jätehuolto/kierrätys, maanalainen Helsinki ja vaikkapa Oodin sisältö tekemättä mitään numeroa sen arkkitehtuurista. Ja lopuksi joku sauna. Ei mitään historiaa, eikä mitään pitseriaa.
Yliopiston kahvilajonossa esittelin Jarin ulkomaiselle vieraalle. Sydämellistä keskustelua maailman asioista. Vasta hiukan myöhemmin kerroin, että Jari on rehtorimme. Vieras piti upeana, että vaatimattoman oloisesti jonon jatkeena. ”Näinkö teillä aina Suomessa?”. ”Ainakin Jari”.
Τετάρτη 6 Ιουλίου 2022
The US banned Hawaiian language, poisos our water, devastated our universal healthcare, overthrew our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence. #July4
Have a nice day, but remember my words. USA has committed a huge crime against Syria and its people, and that crime began in 2012 the latest.USA has seized Syria's own wheat. That is, the land which produces it. This would be the territory east of Euphrates. Trade btw those territories and gvmnt-held ones is not easy, imho because USA. As for sanctions, you probably should study them more.Mohamed Elmaazi
in London
Special to Consortium News
The British Parliament is debating a national security bill which could undermine the basis of national security reporting and ultimately throw journalists in jail for life.
A person convicted under the new offense of “obtaining or disclosing protected information,” defined in Section 1 of National Security Bill 2022, faces a fine, life imprisonment, or both, if convicted following a jury trial.
A review of the parliamentary debate on the bill makes clear that work by press outlets such as WikiLeaks is at the heart of Tory and Labour MPs’ thinking as they push to make the bill law.
As currently written, direct-action protests, such as those conducted by Palestine Action against U.K.-based Israeli weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems Ltd, could also be captured under the offences of “sabotage” and entering “prohibited places” sections of the bill.
Whistleblowers, journalists and publishers focusing on national security related matters may be most at risk of being prosecuted, though any person who “copies,” “retains,” “discloses,” “distributes” or “provides access to” so called protected information could be prosecuted.
“Protected information” is defined as any “restricted material” and it need not even be classified.
Under this bill, leakers, whistleblowers, journalists or everyday members of the public, face a potential life sentence if they receive or share “protected information” which is widely defined.
That does not mean “up to” a life sentence. Following a conviction, a judge would have the option to either issue a fine or hand down a life sentence, or both.
[Read the bill in its entirety here.]
There is no public interest or journalistic defense in the bill, a fact noted by some of the parliamentarians during the debates.
“The glaring omission at the heart of the National Security Bill is a straightforward public-interest defense, so that those who expose wrongdoing, either as whistleblowers or journalists, will be protected,” Tim Dawson, a long-time member of the National Union of Journalists’ National Executive Council told Consortium News.
“Without this, there is a risk of concerned U.K. citizens being prosecuted as though they were foreign spies,” he added.
[Related: Sweeping Threat to Free Speech in U.K,]
The bill can be seen as part of a growing crackdown in both Britain and the United States against legitimate journalism that challenges establishment narratives.
In many respects, the proposed law, which applies to people both inside and outside the U.K., shares many elements with the draconian 1917 Espionage Act, which the U.S. government is using to prosecute WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.
Assange is charged with 17 offenses under the Espionage Act, amounting to a maximum 170 years in prison. None of the charges allege conspiring with a foreign power and merely pertain to receiving and publishing documents leaked to him by U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning.
No Evidence of HarmShinzo Abe:
- Has never condemned 🇯🇵 war crimes.
- Has never felt empathy for the victims of 🇯🇵 barbarism.
- Never acknowledged the crimes of Unit 731.
- Declared that comfort women were necessary.
- Honored 🇯🇵 war criminals including his grandfather at the Yasukuni shrine.
As is the case with the U.S.’ Espionage Act, no evidence of actual harm needs to be proven by prosecutors in order to secure a conviction under the National Security Bill.
There is a broad test of whether the defendant knows or “ought reasonably to know” that their conduct is “prejudicial to safety or interests of the U.K.”
What is, or is not, “prejudicial” to the “safety” or “interests” of the U.K. is also to be determined by the government of the day, according to long established case law from the U.K.’s highest court.
This could include anything from environmental, energy, climate and housing policy, to policing, foreign affairs or military policy.
WikiLeaks-Style Publications
A review of the parliamentary debates over the bill shows that although it is being justified on the basis of protecting the U.K. from the “serious threat from state-backed attacks on assets, including sites, data and infrastructure critical to the U.K.’s safety or interests,” national security leaks and reporting – including that of WikiLeaks — is explicitly in the minds of at least some of the key politicians supporting the bill.
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Hanna Aho
Hiilinielut romahtivat vuonna 2021 ja Suomen hiilineutraaliustavoitteen ja nykytilan välille syntyi 23 Mt hiilinieluvaje. Nyt
hallitus on hyväksynyt suunnitelman, joka kuroo tätä vajetta 4,8Mt vuoteen 2035 mennessä. Paljon työtä seuraavalle hallitukselle. #MISU2035 1/
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· 2t
#MISU2035 hyväksytty ja selonteko nyt eduskunnalla. MISU2035 kokoaa yhteen vaikuttavat, kustannustehokkaat ja oikeudenmukaiset keinot maatalousmaan, metsätalouden ja muun maankäytön päästöjen vähentämiseksi ja hiilinielujen ja -varastojen vahvistamiseksi. https://mmm.fi/-/valtioneuvosto-hyvaksyi-maankayttosektorin-ilmastosuunnitelman
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Cliveαλό μεσημέρι αγαπημένη μου Χρύσα στην κουζίνα είμαι 🤣 καλό μεσημέρι σε όλη την παρέα και να είστε όλοι καλά 🙏🥰❤️🌿🐞🌹,🧅🍈
With eyes like these I can can definitely see the weekend 👀 🥳
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Canon UK and Ireland ja 9 muuta
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Great to see Sri Lanka back importing fertilizers….
“Will the right honourable lady condemn the WikiLeaks-type mass dumping of information in the public domain? It is hugely irresponsible and can put lives at risk,” Tory MP Theresa Villiers asked Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary Yevette Cooper, on June 6.sotiaspukuinaen autonajaja lasirunoilijan tiellä
“Yes, I strongly do, because some of the examples of such leaks that we have seen put agents’ lives at risk, put vital parts of our national security and intelligence infrastructure at risk and are highly irresponsible,” Cooper replied, adding, “We need safeguards to protect against that kind of damaging impact on our national security.”
There is no evidence that anything published by WikiLeaks has resulted in the loss of life.
A U.S.-leaked government report itself concluded that there was “no significant ‘strategic impact’ to the release of the [Iraq War Logs and Afghanistan War Diary]”, from the Manning leaks which Assange is being prosecuted over. “No actual harm [against an individual]” could be shown either, a lawyer acting for the U.S. government admitted during Assange’s extradition hearings.
This contradicts the official government line that the leaks caused serious harm.
Broad Threat
Among the many disclosures revealed by WikiLeaks, include the secret texts of proposed corporate and investor rights treaties such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
These treaties, which were being negotiated in secret and would not have been known to the citizens until just before or even after they had become law, would have preferenced corporate rights over domestic laws and subordinated labor, environmental and health protections and climate policy to the profit-making imperatives of private industry. Their passage stalled after their draft texts were leaked and then published by WikiLeaks.
WikiLeaks revelations also include dramatic incidents such as the execution of 10 handcuffed Iraqi civilians in their family home, including four women, two children and three infants, by U.S. soldiers who later ordered an airstrike to cover it up.
Many around the world might still believe that a U.K. plan to build the world’s largest “marine park” in the Chagos Islands was motivated by environmental concerns, were it not for a cable published by WikiLeaks revealing that the true purpose was to prevent the indigenous population from ever being able to return to their land.
Militarized atoll of Diego Garcia, in Chagos Islands in central Indian Ocean. (Wikimedia Commons)
Torture and rendition of civilians as well as other war crimes were also revealed by WikiLeaks.
All such material, which are among the documents Assange is being prosecuted by the U.S. for publishing, would fall under the National Security Bill’s definition of “protected information.”
Conspiracy with Foreign Power
In theory, involvement of a “foreign power” must also be proven for Section 1 of the bill to apply. But a review of the “foreign power condition” in Section 24 of the bill shows a myriad of ways that this condition could be satisfied.
Section 24 reads as follows:
“24 The foreign power condition
(1) For the purposes of this Part the foreign power condition is met in relation to a person’s conduct if —
(a) the conduct in question, or a course of conduct of which it forms part, is carried out for or on behalf of a foreign power,
(b) the person knows, or ought reasonably to know, that to be the case.
(2) The conduct in question, or a course of conduct of which it forms part, is in particular to be treated as carried out for or on behalf of a foreign power if —
(a) it is instigated by a foreign power,
(b) is under the direction or control of a foreign power,
(c) it is carried out with the financial or other assistance of a foreign power, or
(d) it is carried out in collaboration with, or with the agreement of, a foreign power.
(3) Subsections (1)(a) and (2) may be satisfied by a direct or indirect relationship between the conduct, or the course of conduct, and the foreign power (for example, there may be an indirect relationship through one or more companies).
(4) A person’s conduct may form part of a course of conduct engaged in by the person alone, or by the person and one or more other persons.
(5) The foreign power condition is also met in relation to a person’s conduct if the person intends the conduct in question to benefit a foreign power.
(6) For the purposes of subsection (5) it is not necessary to identify a particular foreign power.
(7) The foreign power condition may be met in relation to the conduct of a person who holds office in or under, or is an employee or other member of staff of, a foreign power, as it may be met in relation to the conduct of any otherperson.”
Foreign Funded Organizations
The foreign power condition could potentially be satisfied, therefore, due simply to the involvement, at any stage, of a journalist working for news outlets such as Al Jazeera, Press TV, CGTN, RT, Voice of America, France 24, Redfish or TeleSUr.
Tory MP David Davies, himself a supporter of the bill despite being known for his criticism of the prosecution of Assange, noted that “[human rights group] Reprieve, Privacy International, Transparency International and other excellent organizations that do very good work have received some funding from other nations’ Governments” and could therefore “fall foul” of this law.
“Perfectly legitimate organizations could be left committing an offence, under this area of the bill, if they use leaked information — which may not even be classified — to challenge government policy,” Davies added.
Furthermore, what is deemed to be a “perfectly legitimate organization” is in the eye of the beholder and can change over time – as proven by the increased E.U. and U.S. censorship of RT and Sputnik since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Even if a foreign power is proven to somehow be involved, either in the obtaining of restricted material, sharing or publishing it, there is no apparent need to prove conspiring with that foreign power for the condition to be satisfied and therefore for a defendant to be convicted.
Therefore, if a person reports upon U.K. government documents — which prosecutors argue have been hacked and released by a foreign government agency, or even a hacker group infiltrated or influenced somehow by a foreign government agency — they could be found guilty under this law, without any evidence either of participation in the hack or conspiracy with a foreign power.
The Bill and the Official Secrets Act
Following the revelations of mass, warrantless, government surveillance, by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, as well as WikiLeaks revelations of war crimes and other state wrongdoing, the Cabinet Office asked the Law Commission to review its official secrecy, data protection and espionage laws.
In 2020, the Law Commission recommended replacing the Official Secrets Acts 1911, 1920 and 1939 with an Espionage Act, and updating the Official Secrets Act 1989. Many of its recommendations on ‘reforming’ U.K, secrecy laws, would make it easier to bring prosecutions against whistleblowers, journalists and publishers by lowering so called “barriers to prosecution”.
For example, the Law Commission recommended that prosecutors should no longer have to prove that leaks by public servants and contractors, covered by the 1989 Act, have caused “damage”. The 1989 Act is the main legislation currently used to target whistleblowers, leakers, journalists and publishers.
The National Security Bill repeals the older official secrets laws and expands criminalisation of conduct which might be useful to an “enemy” with the more broadly defined “foreign power”. This bill also adopts recommendations to expand what can be labelled a “prohibited place” beyond military sites. Section 1 applies to people based outside the U.K,, regardless of their nationality, and this appears to flow from the Law Commission’s proposed amendments to the 1989 Act, which currently only applies to U.K. citizens.
Technically, the National Security Bill hardly amends the Official Secrets Act 1989. Perhaps this is because the Home Office opposes the Law Commission’s insistence that revisions to the 1989 Act re-introduce a public interest defence, which could be used by journalists and everyday civilians. The Home Office also opposes the idea of an independent body to receive whistleblower concerns. Yet many of the most draconian recommendations have been implemented in some form in the Bill.
Section 1 of the Bill – which lacks any requirement to prove damage along with the overly broad foreign power condition– could simply be the Home Office’s way of seeking to expand the scope of conduct covered by the 1989 Act as much as possible without explicitly doing so. The National Security Bill therefore appears to fall foul of the Law Commission’s recommendations that the definition of a foreign power “should not render the offense overly broad”.
National Security Reporting
Vauxhall Cross, London, headquarters of British Secret Intelligence Service.
(Laurie Nevay, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)
In 2018, emails and other documents belonging to the Institute for Statecraft’s Integrity Initiative, a now defunct U.K.-based, intelligence services-linked, propaganda and psyop organization, were hacked and published online.
The documents revealed that the Integrity Initiative was receiving funding from the U.K. Foreign Office, Facebook, NATO and neoconservative-linked foundations, and was engaged in directing anti-Russian, anti-left and pro-NATO propaganda towards the European and U.K. public.
Integrity Initiative documents, including emails and a contract with the U.K. Foreign Office, revealed an ambitious global agenda involving secret “clusters” of academics, journalists, policy makers and national security-linked officials in Europe, North Africa and North America, with more being planned.
The hacked documents revealed that the purpose of the Integrity Initiative was to shape public opinion and public policy under the guise of combatting Russian “disinformation.”
A group called Anonymous Europe claimed responsibility, though the Foreign Office and Western media suggested, without evidence, that the Russian government was somehow behind the hack.
The BBC even reported, also without evidence, that the documents were “leaked to the Russian media.”
In fact, the documents were published on an internet messaging board and available to anyone aware of the website, including independent British and American journalists who reported upon them.
Reporting on such documents, if the National Security Bill becomes law, could be considered a violation of Section 1, given that some of the files were “restricted” government documents and the Integrity Initiative was partially government funded. If foreign government actors were involved in hacking or releasing the documents that alone could satisfy the “foreign power condition” in Section 24.
Even the fact that journalists (including British citizens) who were writing for foreign government-funded news outlets reported on the documents could satisfy the “foreign power condition.”
Even more disturbing, involvement of a foreign power is not actually needed if the government argues that the conduct of the defendant was “intended” to “benefit a foreign power.” In this circumstance, “it is not necessary [for the prosecution] to identify a particular foreign power.”
Therefore, for example, if a journalist known for writing articles critical of NATO reports on “restricted” material which paints the military alliance in a bad light, regardless of whether the documents were leaked to him directly or even if he simply came across them already published online, that journalist could be prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to life — if the prosecutor convinces the jury that, based on their prior reporting or public comments critical of NATO or of Western foreign policy, they intended their reporting on the “restricted material” to “benefit a foreign power.”
Which foreign power was he intending to benefit? It isn’t necessary for the prosecutor to say, as Section 24 (6) makes clear.
There are a number of other notable elements to this bill worth considering.
‘Sabotage’ & Entering ‘Prohibited Place’
Direct action might also fall foul of provisions in this bill, if the foreign power condition is satisfied.
Committing “damage” against any “asset,” inside or outside the U.K., for “a purpose that they know, or ought reasonably to know, is prejudicial to the safety or interests of the United Kingdom” is also punishable by a fine or life in prison, or both, under Section 12.
“Damage” includes “alteration” or “loss of or reduction in access or availability” to an “asset.”
Under Section 4, entering a “prohibited place” could result in a life sentence, if the person knew or “ought reasonably to know” it is prejudicial to the safety or interests of the U.K. This includes if someone “accesses, enters, inspects [including films], passes over or under, approaches or is in the vicinity of a prohibited place.”
Conceivably, direct action activists such as members of Palestine Action who have successfully shut down factories belonging to Israeli weapons manufacture Elbit Systems Ltd, would be caught by such provisions, The same goes for journalists filming them or entering a premises designated “prohibited.”
In the 1964 case of Chandler v Director of Public Prosecutions, the U.K.’s highest court upheld conviction of members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament for violating the Official Secrets Act. The activists were convicted for entering Wethersfield RAF base “a prohibited place” for a purpose deemed “prejudicial to the security of the state.” The trial judge was said to be within his right to deny the defendants the ability to offer evidence or cross-examine witnesses to argue that their purpose in entering the base was to improve the U.K.’s security.
This is the same case that held that what is “prejudicial” to the “safety” or “interest” of the country is up to the government of the day to determine.
Protecting Corporate Secrets
(M M, Flickr, CC BY 2.0)
Section 2 of the bill also creates a crime of “obtaining or disclosing trade secrets.” As is the case with Section 1, this occurs whether the person knew or “ought reasonably to know” that their conduct is “unauthorised.”
A person faces either a fine or up to 14 years in prison, or both, if they are convicted.
There is no whistleblowing, journalistic or public interest protection provided in this section either.
Arguably, obtaining or disclosing “trade secrets” which could reveal, for example, corruption, environmental pollution, labor violations and other human rights abuses or other forms of corporate malfeasance could conceivably result in prosecution under this bill.
The foreign power condition must be satisfied for Section 2 to apply, which, it has already been shown, is arguably easier to do than one might think.
Limiting Legal Aid Access
Access to legal aid is also restricted for anyone convicted of a “terror” offence. This means that someone who, for example, was convicted for violating Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 — for refusing to give access to their mobile phone password at the airport — could find themselves denied legal aid years later.
Freezing Funds & Other Assets
The ability of the government to “freeze” assets is also made easier in the Bill. The law currently permits freezing and seizing of assets if it can be shown that they are “intended to be used” for terrorism. This is replaced in Section 61 and Schedule 10 with the lower threshold of “at risk of being used” for terrorism.
State Crimes Committed Abroad
Interestingly, Section 23 amends the Serious Crime Act 2007 to note that it can’t be used to prosecute members of MI5 (Security Service), MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service), GCHQ or the armed forces, for any criminal conduct committed outside the U.K,, if their criminal conduct is deemed “necessary for the proper function” of those institutions.
Leaking & Direct Action
When the National Security Bill was first revealed, a number of observers seemed somewhat sanguine about it on the basis that the foreign power condition needed to be met before a conviction could be secured under Section 1.
The Freedom of Information Campaign, for example, tweeted:
When journalist Richard Spence asked about the potential life sentence, they replied:
Since then, however, the Freedom of Information Campaign, jointly with Article 19, submitted a brief for MPs making clear that journalists and civil society activists who receive some foreign funding and yet are engaged in “legitimate activities” could be caught by this bill.
The Bill appears to have cross-party support (with few dissenters) amid seeming hysteria over alleged Chinese government influence operations.
Laws are versatile and can, if not strictly drafted, be used in circumstances that even the original drafters had not intended. All it requires is for a prosecutor to be willing to bring a case and for a judge to allow it to go forward.
Beyond Stated Purpose
Jan. 1 1916: Pacifists on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. (Library of Congress)
The Espionage Act is a perfect case in point. Ostensibly created to protect the U.S. from German spies during WWI, it was used to successfully prosecute people for their opposition to their country’s involvement in the war. Their convictions were upheld on appeal despite the fact that the First Amendment protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Decades later the administration of Richard Nixon used the same act to prosecute Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg. The governments of George W. Bush and Barack Obama would then use the law, again to target whistleblowers such as John Kiriakou who revealed C.I.A. torture, Jeffrey Sterling who used official channels to blow the whistle on a dangerous and ultimately botched plot to undermine Iran’s nuclear program and Daniel Hale who revealed that 90 percent of those killed by U.S. drones in Afghanistan were civilians.
Now this same 1917 law is being used to prosecute Assange, an award-winning journalist, for publishing “restricted” documents while based outside the U.K.
During a debate, Margaret Ferrier, an independent MP from Scotland, asked whether the home secretary has “considered the dangers to freedom of the press that the National Security Bill presents.”
“Many of my constituents,” Ferrier added, “are concerned that measures that could prevent journalists from publishing stories of public interest are undemocratic.”
‘Online Safety Bill’
“No, I do not see a danger to journalistic freedoms,” Minister for Security and Borders Damian Hinds replied. He proceeded to change the subject by referring to another proposed bill saying that the government is “taking stringent steps to ensure, for example, that in the Online Safety Bill journalistic rights and freedoms are absolutely to the fore, because of the vital and irreplaceable role that a free and sometimes boisterous media plays in underpinning and challenging us in our democracy.”
The Online Safety Bill, described as an “Orwellian censorship machine” by the Open Rights Group, would grant powers to ministers to censor legal content. It requires all online communications – public and private — to be monitored for “harmful content” and undermines encryption of private messenger apps like WhatsApp and Signal.
“The Online Safety Bill creates a carve out for news media organizations (defined as ‘news publishers’) who are registered with the Independent Press Standards Organisation or IMPRESS of Ofcom in the case of broadcasters,” said Monica Horten, policy manager for freedom of expression at the Open Rights Group.
In theory, this carve out means news organizations “are not subject to platform content moderation policies in the same way as everybody else.” Horten added that online platforms “are mandated to leave their content online, regardless of whether it meets their policies, or other Online Safety Bill compliance requirements.”
This censorship exemption ostensibly applies to “all content that is created for the purpose of journalism and which is U.K.-linked,” according to a convoluted explanatory note recently published by the Home Office.
Regulated media outlets will also have a fast-track complaint process if their material is taken down.
In other words, a two-tier freedom of expression between the press and everyday people.
What will happen in practice to citizen journalists, bloggers and independent and alternative outlets which are not, cannot or have no interest in being, regulated by U.K. press regulators remains to be seen.
“It will be impossible for large platforms, operating at scale, to determine on that basis who is and who is not a ‘journalist,’” Horten argued.
Ominously, she assessed that it is “therefore probable that the only way to make this provision work will be to institute a register of media.”
Mohamed Elmaazi studied law at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London and has contributed to numerous news outlets, including Jacobin, The Dissenter, The Canary, Open Democracy, The Grayzone and The Real News Network. He has covered all of Julian Assange’s extradition hearings.
Tags: Freedom of Information Campaign Institute for Statecraft’s Integrity Initiative Mohamed Elmaazi National Security Bill Official Secrets Act Press Freedom U.S. Espionage Act
Κυριακή 3 Ιουλίου 2022
good morning! tfiglobal @tfiglobal · 27min Iran could become the immediate reason for a break-up between the US and Europe The fundamental bone of dispute between #Tehran and #Washington is the classification of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation
Christos Tassoulas
Vastauksena käyttäjälle Russia is directly controlling Iran’s oil supplies now. A disastrous development for Europe
The final jolt will be when it dawns upon the EU that it is #Russia who is playing its new brand of heroism through the #Islamic regime of Iran
Αεροπορία Στρατού.
Georgios Lygkas
1tit was real value for poeople real person n value
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Πεζικό Σουφλί 27μηνες,
Christοs Kgk🇬🇷🇬🇷
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216 Κι. Χ. Ν. Ε. Αλεξανδρούπολη
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5η ΜΚ δραμα.
Σάββατο 2 Ιουλίου 2022
hina wants the sanction-proof Indian economy to help it brave Western sanctions
If there is something where #China feels that even its enemy can provide a helping hand to it, it will not waste a single second and start appeasing ithe largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.
The unprecedented shift has placed an ever greater number of soldiers, civilians, and contractors working under false identities, partly as a natural result in the growth of secret special forces but also as an intentional response to the challenges of traveling and operating in an increasingly transparent world. The explosion of Pentagon cyber warfare, moreover, has led to thousands of spies who carry out their day-to-day work in various made-up personas, the very type of nefarious operations the United States decries when Russian and Chinese spies do the same.
Newsweek's exclusive report on this secret world is the result of a two-year investigation involving the examination of over 600 resumes and 1,000 job postings, dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests, and scores of interviews with participants and defense decision-makers. What emerges is a window into not just a little-known sector of the American military, but also a completely unregulated practice. No one knows the program's total size, and the explosion of signature reduction has never been examined for its impact on military policies and culture. Congress has never held a hearing on the subject. And yet the military developing this gigantic clandestine force challenges U.S. laws, the Geneva Conventions, the code of military conduct and basic accountability.
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