Τετάρτη 6 Απριλίου 2022

Military expert, who spoke direct and honest but against the narrative has been suspended by Twitter.@twitter has been fortold n be aware of anyone telling those other side of ´the truth´ April days´ false You are not allowed alternative view and the truth , they want you to binge on Propaganda 😡😡😡😡

2012 kirkkoon pissihttps://rumble.com/vzzh4h--2014-2022.html https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=Raoul%20Gr%C3%BCnstein#id=E47F93DF47A7394D8E133615529003BF52525231

4 σχόλια:

  1. suspended
    for merely reporting the invaluable truth?
    Is truthtelling now prohibited on #Twitter?
    Please please call on powers-that-be to reinstate Spriter!


  2. Arnaud Bertrand
    Just in case some Europeans were still under the impression they were seen as equal partners by the U.S....

    You're seen as the geopolitical equivalent of annoying toddlers, i.e. countries that need to be "dragged kicking and screaming to respond in ways [the U.S.] wants to see" https://twitter.com/TheAtlantic/status/1511831711314857987

  3. https://www.messenger.com/messenger_media?thread_id=1005845587&attachment_id=3149995795215868&message_id=mid.%24cAABa-ysPMLOGJgggKF_9IC6JexWp
