Τρίτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2020

. The British-French forces managed to largely secure the city by 7 November.[134] Between 750 and 1,000 Egyptians were killed in the battle for Port Said.

On 25 January 1952, a confrontation between British forces and police at Ismailia caused 40 Egyptian policemen to die, provoking riots in Cairo the next day which left 76 people dead. Afterwards, Nasser published a simple six-point program in Rose al-Yūsuf to dismantle feudalism and British influence in Egypt.In mid May 1967, the Soviet Union issued warnings to Nasser of an impending Israeli attack on Syria.In June 1970, Nasser accepted the US-sponsored Rogers Plan, which called for an end to hostilities and an Israeli withdrawal from Egyptian territory, but it was rejected by Israel, the PLO, and most Arab states except Jordan.[266] Nasser had initially rejected the plan, but concede from the Soviet Union and then died

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