#US has only 4 tools in its 'diplomacy' kit: threats, blackmail, sanctions and regime change Now 🇺🇲 warmongers wants to punish #SouthAfrica for their ties with #Russia https://archive.is/c8EXQ
Κυριακή 18 Μαρτίου 2018
Kehoni alkaa aina kiljua salmiakkia, kun verepaine on matalalla🌺🥀🐀💐🥀🍀Happy Saturday, dear friends💞🥀🍁☘️🐀🍁🥀🍀🌹🐭☘️🦋🍀🍁🐀🌹💐🍁🥀🐭🌻🦎💞🍀🦋🌻🐀💞🌺🍀🐭🍁🥀🐀🦎🌻🍀🍁🐭🍀🌻🌺🍁🍀🐀💞🦎🍁🥀. Minkähän perään se möykkäisi, jos olisin sattunut syntymään ei-salmiakkimaahan?
Kehoni alkaa aina kiljua salmiakkia, kun verepaine on matalalla. Minkähän perään se möykkäisi, jos olisin sattunut syntymään ei-salmiakkimaahan?10-vuotiaan luokassa on 45 lasta. Meno on ajoittain levotonta. Kepposia tekevät samat 3-4 poikaa. Eilen lapsella oli uutinen:
- Äiti, nyt löytyi avustaja, joka saa ne pojat kuriin.
- Oho. Hänellä on varmaan kokemusta.
- Joo. Hän on 15-vuotias tyttö.http://www.uef.fi/fi/web/ktl karjalantutkimus
#teinitytöt https://irmako.wordpress.com/page/2/ είμαι Σύρο, Ερμούπόλη
μάντσιν ον α ντιλάιτφουλ χαλβαδόπιτα
και βλέπω Μάρκο λιώμα στις μαρμαρόπλακες.
"Μακούλη", τον ρωτάω, "πιτσικάρησες απ' τα ξύδια;"
"ρεπόρτερ Ξανθάκη", μου λέει, "περιμένω να ρίξουν
κάνα ψαροκόκκαλο απ' την ταβέρνα.
δεν είναι όλοι τυχεροί σαν τον Σουπιό!"
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World Social Forum in Salvador, #Brazil has 80 000 participants according to the organizing committee. Here two happy participants. #forumsocialmundial
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήFor Markus Bergfeld, whose children were allegedly taken away from the family and poisoned with psychotropic drugs, Russia is the last resort, the ex-German officer told the Russian newspaper Daily Storm
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή#MarkusBergfeld as a "German Snowden." The man reportedly served in the #Bundeswehr and had accidently 🙊received access to confidential #data, after which his family became subject to persecution by the government
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήDespite the stormy weather and the tragic attacks that targeted foreigners at the Bardo Museum in Tunis the previous week, the World Social Forum (WSF), held between 24 and 28 March, succeeded in gathering around 50,000 people from 125 countries representing all continents
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήnotably, the 2013 WSF witnessed clashes between the pro and anti-Bashar al-Assad crowds. Sadly, there were several similar clashes between Syrian participants at the WSF this year. one, a group of pro-Assad baltaguia (state-linked thugs) attempted to violently disturb a meeting organised by the Global Campaign of Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution. Similar incidents occurred between some Algerian and Moroccan participants around the Western Sahara issue, which led the WSF organising committee to react in a press conference during the forum.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήEven more striking this year is the significant presence of Algerian delegates, which reached around 1,500 people from 650 associations
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήDaily Storm newspaper, Bergfeld claimed that his children were taken away by the German Youth Office and poisoned with psychotropic drugs. His son allegedly died as result of the medications' use.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήBergfeld and his wife are currently staying in Latvia and are waiting for the decision of the Russian diplomats. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova is reportedly aware of the issue.
Daily Storm newspaper, Bergfeld claimed that his children were taken away by the German Youth Office and poisoned with psychotropic drugs. His son allegedly died as result of the medications' use.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήBergfeld and his wife are currently staying in Latvia and are waiting for the decision of the Russian diplomats. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova is reportedly aware of the issue.