Σάββατο 1 Απριλίου 2017

do not say,it

The Superintelligent Will: Motivation and Instrumental Rationality in Advanced Artificial AgentsWhole Brain Emulation: A Roadmap A 130-page report on the technological prerequisites for whole brain emulation (aka "mind uploading"). (w/ Anders Sandberg) [Technical Report #2008-3, Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University (2008)] [pdf] Presents two theses, the orthogonality thesis and the instrumental convergence thesis, that help understand teh possible range of behavior of superintelligent agents - also pointing to some potential dangers in building such an agent. [Minds and Machines, Vol. 22 McCormick accepted a post as staff physicist at the Alvarez Hydrogen Bubble Chamber Group at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. The Chamber Group was led by Dr. Luis Alvarez, who later won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1960 Dr. McCormick began 12 years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he was a professor of physics, computer science, and bioengineering. Afterwards, he served as head of the electrical engineering and computer science department at the University of Illinois at Chicago. McCormick joined Texas A&M in 1983 as the first department head of the newly formed Department of Computer Science in the Dwight Look College of Engineering. In August 2005 Dr. McCormick retired from Texas A&M but continued his research there, exploring and understanding the complexity and scaling properties of the brain's microcircuit structure.[1]

5 σχόλια:

  1. The non-relativistic limit of a relativistic equation (which thus involves the speed of light 'c') denotes the limit when c \to \infty. It is the opposite of the vanishing dispersion limit.

  2. The non-relativistic limit of a relativistic equation (which thus involves the speed of light 'c') denotes the limit when c \to \infty. It is the opposite of the vanishing dispersion limit.


  3. The Schrodinger-Poisson system
    i v^+_t + \Delta v/2 = u v^+ \,
    i v^-_t - \Delta v/2 = u v^- \,
    \Delta u = - |v^+|^2 + |v^-|^2\,
    arises as the non-relativistic limit of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation.
