Social enterprise is an up and coming phenomenon around the world.You basically add the grains to milk, set it in a pantry or countertop for 18-24 hours and voila! Kefir! Then you simply strain out the grains and put the finished kefir in the fridge. You then reuse the grains again (you don’t need to rinse them and if you do rinse them make sure not to rinse with chlorinated water – it will kill the kefir!) in a new batch of milk. When you need to slow down the process (read: you are leaving town for a week), you just put the grains in milk and put them in your fridge while you are gone. With each subsequent batch your kefir grains will grow and you can share them with friends and family. I absolutely love that part – what a way to build a community of healthy people. Businesses with the primary aim of bettering the world. Social enterprises are claiming a distinct place amongst commercial enterprises, charities, and public sector organizations. This book paints an inspiring picture of the social enterprise, what it is and what it is not. How it works and what the challenges are. With a wide range of examples from the Netherlands, most of which can be found elsewhere across the world. A book with global relevance. Easy to read, insightful, and inspiring. For anybody who is interested in social entrepreneurship and its growing impact on our society at large. By the founders of Social Enterprise NL, the national society of Social Enterprises in the Netherlands.

Keep your heart free from hate,
Your mind from worry.
Live simply,
Give much.
Fill your life with loveThis is the second installment in my What are Fermented Foods? series where I explain why I love kefir and what are kefir grains. I started making my own kefir from live kefir grains about 2 months ago after many false starts. I tried drinking kefir back when I started eating an unprocessed, traditionally prepared real food diet about a year ago and it didn’t sit well with me. So I took a probiotic and stuck with foods like sauerkraut and fermented condiments like mayo. I figured I wasn’t reacting well to the dairy in the kefir so recently I heard you could also make kefir from coconut milk. I was able to score some grains from a friend and also got to talk to someone about introducing kefir slowly to your body. Apparently kefir is pretty potent and while it works on healing your body, it can cause a number of symptoms for a few weeks – things like headaches, rashes and digestive issues. Once I realized this I was able to make the switch from coconut milk kefir to cow milk kefir just fine. In this post I will describe what are kefir grains, the benefits of kefir and how to start slowly with kefir and work your way up.
What are Kefir Grains?
To understand what kefir is we must first understand the grains used to make kefir. According to Real Food Fermentation: Preserving Whole Fresh Food with Live Cultures in Your Home Kitchen by Alex Lewin, ‘Kefir grains are combinations of yeasts and bacteria living on a substrate made up of a variety of dairy components.’ These live kefir grains look a little bit like cauliflower florets and are somewhat gelatinous in texture. My favorite fact about kefir grains is that live kefir grains cannot be made or manufactured (yay! a *real* real food!). No other milk culture (yogurt, Creme Fraiche, etc.) forms grains so it is very unique! You can purchase kefir grains or look for someone making kefir nea

Hyvä ja rento kuvaaja, kuvaa paljon tilannekuva, joissa tunteet ja tilanteet tulevat hyvin näkyviin. Onnistuu hääkuvauksekset siinä missä lapsen 1-vuotis kuvauksetkin � Suosittelen!
Timo Linna
· 22. lokakuuta 2016
Aivan uskomattoman hienosti kuvattu hääjuhlamme. KIITOS! Kuvia katsoessa oikein ihmetyttää kuinka yksi mies on ehtinyt ottamaan kaikki ne kuvat. Upeita kuvakulmia ja hienosti tallennettuja aitoja hetkiä. Ja kuitenkin niin huomaamattomasti.