#US has only 4 tools in its 'diplomacy' kit: threats, blackmail, sanctions and regime change Now 🇺🇲 warmongers wants to punish #SouthAfrica for their ties with #Russia https://archive.is/c8EXQ
Τρίτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2017
so democrats don want u to talk to foreigners (mrFlynnΚαι ο Δνείπερος είναι παγωμένος
https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/831337942584995841 random lunch
27min ago
39.55 N 26.08 E 10 3.1 NEAR THE COAST OF WESTERN TURKEYPhuket Townin lisäksi taidegallerioita löytää saaren eteläosasta Rawailta, jonka ympäristössä on useita gallerioita ja taiteilijoiden taidetyöpajoja. Tutustuminen kannattaa aloittaa Vichen Gallerysta (avoinna to–ti 15–21.30), joka sijaitsee Bzenter Mallissa. Poimi galleriasta mukaan pieni kartta, joka opastaa muiden gallerioiden äärelle.
2017-02-17 06:54:21.2
41min ago
39.56 N 26.14 E 3 2.9 NEAR THE COAST OF WESTERN TURKEYKefir made from live kefir grains has 35 different strains of beneficial bacteria and yeasts. Kefir isn’t at all like yogurt in that kefir actually colonizes our digestive tracts with this beneficial bacteria and yeast. Yogurt and many other so called probiotic foods on the market today actually only provide prebiotics or simply – they provide food for the good bacteria that live in the intestinal tract. Laboratory grown yogurt has only 1 or maybe as high as 5 strains of beneficial bacteria and laboratory grown kefir for manufactured products has only 10 strains. Commercially made kefir sold in the stores is not fermented long enough. In addition the pasteurization process after fermentation kills the probiotic microbes. So my next statement only applies if you would like to make your own – Start SLOWLY. Just a spoonful a day for the first two weeks should be enough to slowly introduce your body to this magical substance. I had some digestive issues the first two weeks (I felt like I had a brick in my stomach) and my daughter got a rash. Some people call this period ‘die off’ because it is the kefir killing off bad substances and this shows up in different ways for different people. After a few weeks of this, I could actually tell when I was ready for more because I suddenly wanted more kefir. I am now able to drink almost 2 cups a day!
Kefir boosts our immune systems by keeping healthy bacteria in our digestive tract (and remember 80% of our immune system is in our digestive track!). The fermenting bacteria produce lactic acid which heals and soothes the gut lining. Kefir is rich in vitamin A, B2, B12, D, K, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and typtophan. It has anti tumor properties, prevents disease, increases digestibility and it controls toxins.
2017-02-17 06:41:15.3
54min ago
39.54 N 26.08 E 9 2.1 NEAR THE COAST OF WESTERN TURKEYivan Patongin eteläpäästä lähtee rauhallinen pikkutie, joka vie Tri Trangille ja Paradise Beachille, kahdella pikkurannalle. Edellisiä paljon kauniimmalle ja autiommalle Freedom Beachille pääsee puolestaan vain pitkähäntäveneellä, jollaisen voi vuokrata käyttöönsä Patongilta ja muilta suosituilta rannoilta.
Lisää “autiorantoja” löytyy Patongin pohjoispuolelta. Kamalan ja Surinin välissä on kaunis Laem Sing, josta on tosin tullut hyvin suosittu päiväretkien kohde. Autionrannan tunnelman sijaan täällä pääsee nauttimaan vaikka vesipiipun polttelusta. Hotelleja ei ole, mutta rantatuoleja sekä ruoka- ja juomakioskeja sitäkin enemmän.
Yksi autioimmista autiorannoista on Banana Beach, jonne löytää ajamalla Bang Taosta kaunista, kukkuloita ylös alas mutkittelevaa rantatietä pohjoiseen. Banana Beach sijaitsee Trisara-hotellin jälkeen ennen Naithon Beachia. Pieni kyltti kertoo rannasta, jolle laskeudutaan pitkin jyrkkää polkua.

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