fsa boi beauty ison clarity;;Marko Laihinen @MLaihinen 9 min9 minuuttia sitten
Jo 7 miljardia samalla aurinkoisella kivellä, emmekä vieläkään kosketa toisiamme. #a2iltaMarko Laihinen @MLaihinen 9 min9 minuuttia sitten
Jo 7 miljardia samalla aurinkoisella kivellä, emmekä vieläkään kosketa toisiamme. #a2iltahuhhh sihatika

muisic,ghost is brokenΗ απόφαση να μείνεις στην Ελλάδα για δουλειά είναι η αμέσως επόμενη πιο ολέθρια στην ιστορία, μετά του Θεού να δώσει φτερά στις κατσαρίδες? mytilini eu

heei Greek police closed a volunteer-run migrant camp on the island of Lesvos after Bloomberg News reported that local authorities failed to help the refugees fleeing conflicts in Afghanistan and Syria.2012
Undocumented immigrants living at the camp were given notice to leave Greece voluntarily within 30 days, Nicholas Ververis, a spokesman for police, said by phone Thursday. More than 30 migrants are now being held at the police station, Ververis said.
Police picked up the migrants at the Pikpa camp on Dec. 21, Stratis Pothas, one of the volunteers who ran the site, said by e-mail. Pothas and others opened the camp in November using donated food and labor after police, unable to house waves of new arrivals, began turning them away.
Greece is a main gateway to the European Union for migrants and refugees, including those fleeing from Syria and Afghanistan. The United Nations special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International called this month for reform in the way the country handles new arrivals and processes asylum applications. Lesvos, an agricultural island about six miles from the Turkish coast, is a common destination for refugees.14th July 2015
Camp Pikpa is run completely by the village of altogether.One camp, KARATAPEI, has just opened up approximately 5 weeks ago, right next to Lidl.
The village of altogether is an association run by volunteers for years and years now. They are extremely active and try to give help to refugees as good as possible.
At Pikpa approximately 100 people have a place to say until their situation is clear. It is not meant to be a permanent camp and it is also not appointed to be so. People staying there are either underprivileged (for instance disabled or sick people, pregnant women, families…) or applying for asylum in greece or in special situations (for instance minors that apply for “family junction” when they have relatives in other european countries.)
After going to the other camps and seeing people in the streets it can give you back a lot of hope when you meet people at Pikpa. Also it is heartwarming to have enough space, to sit and talk about their future plans, to finally remember most the names and have real conversations. It feels healthy to see them as individuals and more and more let go of the refugee-helper-situation.
I think the biggest advantage is that most the time some kind of camp “authority” (meaning: someone from the village) or some kind of caretaker is present. And pretty much every day people from the village come by.
Of course Pikpa is in desperate need as well. People there only have what they need most; some soap, some rice, some milk, some clothes, some diapers, some medicine… However usually it is not enough there either.2015 jyjuly
The Lesvos camp closing 2012is good??? news for the migrants because it meant they were processed more quickly, allowing them to continue on their journey, Athina Stathelli, another volunteer organizer, said by phone.
“They don’t want to stay in Mytilene,” Stathelli said.
The police-issued 30-day deportation order can function as temporary identification, allowing migrants to purchase a ferry ticket to Athens.
Stathelli said the news coverage probably played a role in the police decision to close the camp. Ververis declined to comment on whether the Dec. 21 Bloomberg article about Pikpa prompted its closing.
(source: Bloomberg)
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