????reece and the André Szász Axiom
- Where others have failed miserably, will the new Greek prime minister finally be the one to undermine the Szász axiom? If he does, that will be a victory for Europe
by Ashoka Mody on 19th February 2015???????//&YT%GBELIEVABLE!#Sweden's Radio P1 says RUSSIAN MILITARY killedo.jos saat jotain et voi palkatta palakat. started in October 1970 with the Werner Report, the blueprint of the incomplete monetary union within which the Eurozone now operates. Commenting on the Werner Report, Hans Tietmeyer, a former president of the Deutsche Bundesbank, pointed out the obvious: it was, he said, “an attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable

France really is becoming Greece.This week rammed thru unpopular legislation using presidential decree, now riot police beating photograhers.minun pitäisi hiukan lisää saada tietää asioita
etika kuin taloussprii?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήReitti kulki milloin Sveitsin, milloin Saksan puolella. Tässä kohtaa ajamme taas Saksan puolella ja edessä häämöttää katettu silta, jonka yli mennään Sveitsiin.