Τρίτη 6 Μαΐου 2014

Neil Clark ‏@NeilClark66 · 9 min

Neil Clark ‏@NeilClark66 · 9 min Why democracy is the very last thing western elites want: my new OpEdge @RT_com http://rt.com/op-edge/155940-presidential-elections-in-syria/# … #Ukraine #Syria #Venezuelarof Ferrada de Noli ‏@ProfessorsBlogg · 4 t #Russia thanked #China & #India for their position on #Ukraine issue. BTW, >15 million troops together.#svpol #Odessa pic.twitter.com/pJQ75g50Ve Natalia (south/southeast brazillian militant) and Vicente (southern popular resistance / CCLA The event title is unintentionally either outrage- or giggle-inducingBritain's fight has suffered a major blow after a secret co-operation deal with Russian spy agencies broke down because of the Ukraine crisis. For more than a decade our MI5 and MI6 officers developed a productive relationship with Russian counterparts. But the intelligence swap has collapsed in recent weeks since Russia stirred up the violence across Ukraine. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/ukraine-crisis-british-fight-against-3500286#ixzz311Uw5WPh Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook

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