#US has only 4 tools in its 'diplomacy' kit: threats, blackmail, sanctions and regime change Now 🇺🇲 warmongers wants to punish #SouthAfrica for their ties with #Russia https://archive.is/c8EXQ
Δευτέρα 18 Ιανουαρίου 2021
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And? Beyond entertainment, Kutcher is also a venture capitalist. He is a co-founder of the venture capital firm A-Grade Investments. At SXSW on March 14, 2015, Kutcher announced Sound Ventures, the successor to A-Grade Investments, managing a fund backed by institutional fundingIf anything, I have been consistent. As for Assad demanding US stop occupying Syria - he has every right, under the "rules-based international system". Would you care to comment the content and context of those tweets of mine?Sayyed Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr in 1980 and the invasion of Beirut in 1982. All of these made the young men pioneers in facing these challenges and seizing opportunities.
2- What did Haji Imad own at the beginning of your marriage?
When we were getting to know one another, he had nothing. We got married and moved directly to Iran where I lived with one of the Lebanese families there because Hajj Imad did not even have the financial capacity to rent a house.
When we returned to Beirut, our home was the balcony of his parents' house in Chiyah. It was fixed in a way to be habitable. That room was my house until after the birth of my daughter Fatima. After the birth of my eldest son, we began moving around with him from one work center to another.
He continued to change his workplace for several years until we finally settled down at his final place of work between 2000-2006. By that time, I already had Jihad. We spent 6 years in our last place of residence, and those were the most stable years, until the July 2006 war broke out. The nature of his work forced us to move with him constantly to maintain his security. We experienced hardship due to the circumstances imposed on us as a family, which included none of our relatives coming to visit us. But we still felt a sense of responsibility towards him not only as a husband and father, but also as a leader.
3- What can you tell us about the beginning of his jihad and the long journey of patience?
We all know that life is a struggle. The philosophy of affliction is to fight life in order to know it and know ourselves. Religious literature and the literature of the Prophet’s Household (PBUT) call on us to be patient with these misfortunes in order to attain a degree of humanity that God has honored us with. I recall the words of my husband, Hajj Imad – the most important component in all jihadi equations is the human being. Each of us must be aware that for man to progress, he must achieve his humanity on this earth. From the first moment I got married, I realized that I was on a difficult and thorny path. After that, I identified my role and mission. I chose to continue because I believed that this was the road to perfecting myself as a human being.
And that was a conviction that was rooted deeper every time we overcame an affliction that befell us as a family, without taking into account the reasons and intensity of this scourge. We grew to know that Hajj’s life was complicated because of his jihadi work. The circumstances required that we live with him in the shadows as he lived. This way of life
Πέμπτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2021
itä alkaa Asikkalan perälläkin olla raikasta. Piti käydä maalla kattomassa, onko #anoppi jäätynyt pystyyn, kantamassa puita ja samalla koiran kanssa talvisessa metsässä. Parasta talvea nyt!
Casamajó (Catalan: [ˈkaɾləs ˌpudʒðəˈmon i ˌkazəməˈʒo] (About this soundlisten); born 29 December 1962) is a Catalan pro-independence politician and journalist. Since 2019 he has served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP). A former Mayor of Girona, Puigdemont served as the 130th President of Catalonia from 2016 to 2017 when he was removed from office by the Spanish Government following the unilateral Catalan declaration of independence..Despite the closing of polling stations[5] and the use of excessive force by Spanish Police[6] 43% of Catalan citizens managed to vote in the referendum, 92% of them supporting independence.https://markkusiira.blogspot.com/ Suomalainen valtamedia tekee enää harvoin tutkivaa journalismia poliittisesti värittyneen propagandan levittämisen sijaan. Niinpä perinteisempi toimittajan työ näyttää jääneen vaihtoehtomedian..Navalnyi opiskeli 90-luvun alussa ensin lakia ja siirtyi sitten kauppatieteiden pariin. Hän yritti vaurastua osakekaupoilla ja kiinteistöbisneksillä, mutta epäonnistui tavoitteissaan. Samaan aikaan monet muut kahmivat Neuvostoliiton romahduksen jälkeisessä kaaoksessa itselleen omaisuuksia.
Valtion varallisuuden ryöstö ei vielä tässä vaiheessa Navalnyitä haitannut, sillä hän kannatti itsekin uusliberalistista riistokapitalismia, jossa vahvin ja ovelin vie voiton. Navalnyi joutui kuitenkin seuraamaan sivusta, kun poliittisia kytköksiä omaavat, hyvin verkostoituneet liikemiehet menestyivät. lempi muuriaisniemi
Πέμπτη 7 Ιανουαρίου 2021
dataa. Sen kerääminen on melko yksinkertaista, sillä sitä saa kysymällä naisilta ja huomioimalla sukupuolet ja niiden vaikutus eri tilanteissa. Kun data on kohdallaan saadaan kunnollisia tuloksia.
Dunvegan Castle, the mighty Hebridean stronghold of Clan MacLeod which has dominated the northern part of the Isle of Skye and the waters around it for some eight centuries. A reminder there's a real world to dream about returning to.
Παρασκευή 1 Ιανουαρίου 2021
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