#US has only 4 tools in its 'diplomacy' kit: threats, blackmail, sanctions and regime change Now 🇺🇲 warmongers wants to punish #SouthAfrica for their ties with #Russia https://archive.is/c8EXQ
Τετάρτη 30 Ιανουαρίου 2019
rn so, computationally there is a difference between a structure and an entity, in construction of "ground"?
К своему стыду, из этих стран был только в Испании, где сейчас и отдыхаю у внуков. До этого жил в Финляндии, где получил внж, ну и почти всю жизнь в России, конечно же. Дочь с зятем и внуки уговаривают остаться в Испании. Если жена (финка) согласится, то останемся. Тут заебись 👍Μέχρι κι ο κατώτατος μισθός ανέβηκε κι εσύ ακόμα να έρθεις να μ ανεβάσεις μωρη καργιολα
Piilola, with abundant wood and a gas hob too. The Finns really know how to do a wilderness shelter💚💙💜Nature is painting for us, day after day, picture of infinite beauty ❤️🧡💛 #painting Howard Behrens 'Isle of Capri'With #StormErik here we can't help but think about the summer☀️

Παρασκευή 18 Ιανουαρίου 2019
#GrandDebatNational ou #LaGrandeRégalade... ?🌹🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹 ❤ 🌹 ❤❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹🌹 🌹 ❤🌹❤🌹🌹 Good afternoon! 🌹🌹 🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤Friends🌹 ❤🌹🌹❤🌹🌹❤🌹🌹❤🌹🌹 ❤🌹❤🌹🌹❤🌹🌹❤🌹🌹🌹 ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹 ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹 ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹🌹🌹 ❤🌹❤🌹❤ ❤🌹❤🌹 🌹❤❤ 🌹❤ ❤Καλημέρα με Αγάπη & Χαμόγελα Καρδιάς...!!🌷⚘🌹 ...Καλή Εβδομάδα φίλοι μου...!!⚘🌹 Ομορφαίνοντας με χρώμα την πιο δύσκολη μέρα...!! ⚘❤️
Long thread on how US thinking creates #FakeNews but also has negative and detrimental impacts on diplomacy, sends the credibility of the US into la la land. The humiliation of the US ought to be palpable but how have they behaved when the truth is revealed, apologies?
convective available potential energy (CAPE),[1] is the amount of energy a parcel of air would have if lifted a certain distance vertically through the atmosphere. CAPE is effectively the positive buoyancy of an air parcel and is an indicator of atmospheric instability, which makes it very valuable in predicting so thunderstooooor ........It is cold this morning! Come and warm up at Cavan - our Sausage Rolls are waiting on the hot plate for you. They make great hand warmers too!! #cavanbakery #sausageroll #January
r Adam Watson. Photo: ronofcam via wikimedia, CCSA
Born in 1930, raised in the North-East of Scotland, and trained at the University of Aberdeen, Adam worked for the Nature Conservancy and Institute of Terrestrial Ecology for 40 years, mainly in Scotland, but also in Ireland, Iceland, Scandinavia and North America. He was in charge of the NC’s Mountain and Moorland Research Station, 1968-71, and Senior Principal Scientific Officer at ITE Banchory from 1971 to 1990. He retired from ITE in 1990, but continued to work there as an Emeritus Scientist. His writings include more than 30 books, over 500 other publications and over 170 technical reports. These mostly present the fruits of his scientific research, but in later years he published several autobiographical and reflective books drawing on his wealth of varied experience in the Cairngorms and beyond.
Adam took to the Cairngorms as a schoolboy, inspired first by the writings and then by the avuncular encouragement of Seton Gordon. From the outset he made the wide-ranging field observations that laid the foundations for his scientific career. His meticulously detailed field notebook records extending over more than 70 years provide a lesson in the outmoded virtues of systematic observation and recording. Thus in the 1940s he began the systematic monitoring of long-lasting snow patches in the Cairngorms, which in recent years he extended in collaboration with Iain Cameron. This work, and his long-term monitoring of animal populations, are highly relevant to the current issues in global warming and impacts of climate change.
Adam’s scientific work earned worldwide respect for its exceptional geographical concentration on a single range, but also for its exceptional diversity of subject matter. 40 years ago I acquired undeserved status at a conference in New Zealand simply because I knew Adam Watson. He undertook pioneering studies of animal population dynamics and behaviour – in particular, his research into the behaviour of red grouse and ptarmigan.
Adam’s field knowledge of the Cairngorms was unmatched. I well remember how, having come across a lone Scots pine seedling high on Derry Cairngorm, I asked Adam if he knew of other seedlings well above the normal treeline. He had a long mental list of examples, including the one I’d seen, and another that easily capped mine for altitude. He was a field ecologist of exceptional insight and understanding; anyone who ever had the good fortune to share a day in the field with Adam will testify to his capacity to analyse and dissect a habitat before your eyes, disaggregating its component elements and processes and then reassembling them so that you would never again be able to look at the land without that enhanced understanding of its layers and interactions.
But Adam’s enthusiasm for the Cairngorms went far beyond his work in ecology. In the decades after the War he was part of the Golden Age of Cairngorms mountaineering when Aberdonians still had the scene very much to themselves, and Bob Scott’s bothy at Derry was the focal point of weekend activity. At that time he did a great deal of rock-climbing, notably with Tom Patey who was checking routes for the long-awaited first Climber’s Guide to the Cairngorms. It was at Derry too that Adam met Tom Weir, who shared many of his interests and became a life-long friend. Adam was a pioneer of Cairngorm langlauf ski-ing, including the first ski traverse of the Big Six in 1962, a marathon so modestly recorded in the Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal that it is easy to overlook the scale of the achievement. He joined the Scottish Mountaineering Club in 1954, compiling successive magisterial editions of its District Guide to the Cairngorms which demonstrate his unrivalled field knowledge of the hills as well as his passionate attachment to them. He was elected an Honorary Member of the Cairngorm Club in 1981.
Τρίτη 15 Ιανουαρίου 2019
Putin said he would allow special counsel Robert Mueller's team to come to Russia for their investigation – as long as there was a reciprocal arrangement for Russian intelligence to investigate in the U.S.

Πέμπτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2019
Great debate this afternoon! Now enjoying debate on why is there something rather than nothingεμπλοκή της συμφωνίας των Πρεσπών mesaστα Σκόπια
συμβούλιο Άμυνας μετέχουν οι αρχηγοί των όπλων ΓΕΣ, ΓΕΝ και ΓΕΑ, ο αρχηγός ΓΕΕΘΑ, ο υπουργός Εθνικής Αμυνας, αναπληρωτής υπουργός Εθνικής Άμυνας Παναγιώτης Ρήγας και η υφυπουργός Εθνικής Αμυνας Μαρία Κόλλια-Τσαρουχά.
Κατά την ηγεσία των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων, η φράση ερμηνεύεται ως αναμενόμενη αποχώρηση από τον υπουργική του θέση.
Πηγή: Kαμμένος σε στρατιωτικούς: Είναι η τελευταία φορά που είμαι εδώ ως υπουργός | iefimerida.gr
ason Stanley
@ Browder had funneled $400 million dollars to Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, an effort that involved members of the U.S. intelligence community
16 t16 tuntia sitten
Right, second order n-adic relations are a famously tricky case for the Boolos interpretation...David Papineau
19 t19 tuntia Vuonna 1946 Helsingin pitäjän seurakunnan kirkkovaltuusto valitsi 5-henkisen sankarihautatoimikunnan. Saman vuoden syyskuussa Helsingin maalaiskunnan kunnanvaltuusto valitsi toimikunnan huolehtimaan vuoden 1918 punaisten vainajien ja myös muitten sodassa kaatuneiden kansalaisten hautojen kunnostamisesta ja hoidosta. Sankarihautatoimikunta totesi 1948, että Porvoon tuomiokapituli oli esittänyt Hiekkaharjussa olevan punaisten haudan kuntoon saattamista. Punaisten muistomerkkisuunnittelua varten nimettiin kolme henkilöä: Onni Nylander, A. Närvänen sekä kansalaissodassa Tikkurilan punakaartin välskärinä toiminut Viljo Sohkanen. Laukkasen kiviveistämöltä Malmilta saatiin luonnokset kolmeen muistomerkkiin: Ruskeasannan ja Kirkonkylän sankarihaudoille sekä Hiekkaharjun punaisten muistomerkkiin. Lausunnon mukaan punaisten muistomerkin risti oli liian hallitseva, vaikkakin sen tuli näkyä, koska suurin osa punaisista vainajista oli ollut seurakunnan jäseniä.
I was trying to bring out the ontological gratuity of (any) notion of sets. But yes the letter of my tweet was naive.

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