
Kuinka syntyy nuoren #paikkakokemus #kaupunkiympäristö'ssä? @Heli_Ponto väittelee aiheesta 18.8. klo 12 @helsinkiuni st a

ains female? In Scotland, there are three sisters in Glen Coe and five sisters in Kintail – not a brother in sight.
I'm inclined to such inconsequential musing when travelling through the West Highlands, sun streaming through the bus windows and the woman behind me regaling her companion with that old chestnut about the short-sighted wifie and the dog. I had better tell you, too. Stop me if you've heard it.
The wifie is on the bus to Portree, in Skye, and at Glen Coe an elderly man gets on and sits beside her. "Ooh,'' she says. "Is that your dog? I love dogs,'' and she leans over and starts stroking the small furry animal in the man's lap. He says nothing. "Would it like a biscuit?'' asks the wifie rummaging in her bag. For the next hour or so she strokes the dog intermittently